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(OUTDATED) Week 7 + 8 Overview: Further Practical Experience

SoulfullyAButterfly April 18th, 2021

While you wait for your initial article to be edited and published, you are welcome to complete the final practical tasks you need to complete before graduating from the CDM Program - all these tasks will be on the Student Assignment Dashboard as separate tasks:

Note: You are to select and complete any 2 of the 3 options:

  • Work on a minimum of 3 Social Media Graphic Assignments of your choice - you get to pick what your graphical content will be in regards to. Please submit a link on the Dashboard as well as a short description of what the graphic represents.

  • Work on a minimum of 05 Question and Answer tasks of your choice, ensure they get approved and published on 7 Cups (procedure described below)

  • Submit 1 more content article of your choice - you are required to submit the title on the Dash as well - if you would like to discuss the topic you decide you can PM/email me if needed. It is recommended that you wait for your initial article feedback before beginning this task but you are welcome to think about/select your next topic/title.

Procedure for the Q&A Tasks

1) Pick any 5 Questions from the community Q&A Pages

2) Add the Question and hyperlink it in the first column of the Student Assignment Dashboard tab.

3) Under the "Improvements Needed" add in any relevant keywords (can use keyword research tips we have discussed) that may be part of a good answer.

4) Using these improvement markers and the guidelines for a good answer, type in your answer in the Improved Answer column.

5) Once Approved, post the answer in the community for publishing by visiting the question link and pasting your answer in the box - it will be published and available as a listing on your profile as well.

Updated on 3 August 2021 to change Q&A Task Procedure

In addition, you can opt to graduate with Honors - read more here.

April 28th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly Thank you Red heart

SynSavory May 1st, 2021


Wow! Lots of tasks. I'll be working on them throughout this weekend.

lyricalAngel70 May 3rd, 2021


Hi, where can I find the keywords for the Q&A task? I would like to start working on it.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP May 3rd, 2021

They will be provided to you on the Student Dashboard

lyricalAngel70 May 29th, 2021


I can't see them yet. When can I have them?

SoulfullyAButterfly OP May 30th, 2021

@lyricalAngel70 Hi, I recently got an email from you and will arrange your tasks soon - the keyword research, etc is done from time to time and I completed the ones before as you were on break. I understand you would like to finish on the weekends or as soon as possible and will now be accommodating you.

lyricalAngel70 May 30th, 2021


I remember contacting you after I got back from the self-care break. On the 17th of May, you replied that my task is ready & would be sent to me by the next day. I have been waiting since then to hear back. Now, the weekend is over & I have no idea how I would manage exams along with the task after getting those keywords. Anyway, I would appreciate your co-operation for having 'em at the earliest so that I can concentrate on my studies fully.

IceCream4IceCream May 17th, 2021


Hiya! Thanks so much for the information.

Regarding the Q&A answers, I'd love to do those but there are barely any left. Would be grateful if you could post more options so that I can opt for this practical task in addition to one other task.

SupportiveSpace8282 July 30th, 2021

Hi! May I ask a question? My CDM program final date is 8/2, and I have yet to see a link anywhere for the final evaluation form.. could someone please point me in the right direction? :)

SoulfullyAButterfly OP July 30th, 2021

@SupportiveSpace8282 answered this on the thread, but just in case, please note that you do not need to fill up the form as your program-related work has been checked manually

BlueTurtle5 August 3rd, 2021

I feel totally lost at this point. I was feeling confident in the program even though computer problems that required me to take weeks off until I could get a replacement but I have read this post more times than I can count, stared at the spreadsheet for a long time, and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I got the three graphics done no issue but the Q&A part is very confusing. Can you please explain this portion in a different way?

SoulfullyAButterfly OP August 3rd, 2021

@BlueTurtle5 Most definitely Blue! I will PM you and will be updating the above post to help make this activity easier.

kindLemonade August 6th, 2021


I would like to do the 2 options below. How do I proceed? Which article should I do the graphic for and what questions should I pick?

  • Work on a minimum of 3 Social Media Graphic Assignments of your choice - you get to pick what your graphical content will be in regards to. Please submit a link on the Dashboard as well as a short description of what the graphic represents.

  • Work on a minimum of 05 Question and Answer tasks of your choice, ensure they get approved and published on 7 Cups (procedure described below)

SoulfullyAButterfly OP August 6th, 2021

@kindLemonade Hi Lemonade, for 1) 3 graphics, you can choose to highlight anything as long as it is related to mental health - can be a 7 Cups article, Q&A, or general mental health facts or quotes! the freedom is yours in this regards

2) The updated procedure allows you to pick any community questions.

Let me know if you need further guidance

kindLemonade August 7th, 2021


All questions are answered, thank you for the prompt reply

Zahraa000 January 3rd, 2022

Thank you