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Being diagnosed bipolar

User Profile: amusingMoon4173
amusingMoon4173 January 9th, 2023

Hello everyone, I've just recently been diagnosed with bipolar type 1. I've had a feeling for about a year now that I'm bipolar and after going through a manic episode in December I was finally given the diagnosis.

The feelings surrounding it are interesting. On one hand, I'm relieved that I finally have an answer and that my gut instinct was correct and that I can get properly treated for it. On the other hand I'm scared since the manic episode I had was very uncomfortable and difficult. I couldn't sleep for weeks and I was far too excited about things. It felt like I was going through a rollercoaster I couldn't get off of and watching myself at the bottom. During the day I couldn't focus and felt out of it. At night I was wide awake and my mind going a million miles an hour. I'm terrified that these episodes will get worse. I was lucky that the worst of the episode was when my job was closed for a week but I'm worried it'll happen again while working.

Then there are the depressive episodes. They're so exhausting for me. And now I'm just waiting for the next one. Especially after having this manic episode. I'll have to see though. I'm going to do my best to take care of myself as I go through the next leg of the journey that is life.

I hope you're all okay and healthy. I'm always looking to meet new friends. Especially with those that will understand the difficulty that is bipolar.

User Profile: SparklingSeashells
SparklingSeashells January 12th, 2023


Hey, Any diagnosis can cause really varied emotions, and that's okay! I hope you can be kind to yourself 💜

User Profile: Endure777
Endure777 June 16th, 2023

@amusingMoon4173 thanks for sharing! i was diagnosed bipolar 2 at 14 and then bipolar 1at 26. the mania is never fun, it is VERY uncomfortable especially if you're not distracted by whatever it is that you are into. I learned that the more active I am with self-care and coping skills it is a lot easier to manage and less discomforting. medication helps me too but i know that does not work for everyone!

User Profile: CaliConfined
CaliConfined June 29th, 2023

@amusingMoon4173 you are lucky regarding your job, ive been on the worst side of that! Bipolar 1 here as well - in a depression rn from a manic episode in March. You got a friend here ! Idk what to say as I have a lot of questions in my life as well. Not sure how people live like this. When i am manic my mind plays tricks on me and I act bizarrely with poor decisions. anyways, wish you and anyone reading this the best possible life.