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Raspberrycheesecake profile picture
What is Bipolar?
by Raspberrycheesecake
Last post
January 3rd
...See more What is Bipolar? An Internship Honours Project by RaspberryCheesecake. Bipolar Bipolar is known as manic depression. It is a very severe mental health illness. It is characterised by mood swings. These mood swings include manic highs and depressive lows. Both male and female of any ethnic or social background can suffer from bipolar. There is no age range it targets and develops within. The symptoms can start to occur at any time and can then reoccur when emotional pressures at their highest with the individual. Bipolar can be triggered by: Work stress, Study stress, Family stress, Emotional pressures, Childbirth – in women, Menopause – in women. Unfortunately, there is no cure for bipolar, but having enough guidance and support, and receiving an early diagnosis, along with accepting the illness can still live a happy life. There are ways you can manage bipolar, and these are: Medication, Health care, Therapy, Self-management. Types of Bipolar There are six main types of Bipolar. These types of bipolar involve changes in the individuals: mood, activity levels and energy. These moods can range from extremely elated and energised behaviour, or very down and hopeless periods. The less severe manic periods are explained as hypomanic episodes. The first main type of bipolar is, Bipolar 1 Disorder. This type of bipolar is defined by manic episodes. These episodes tend to last around 7 days. Sometimes the manic symptoms are so severe, the individual needs to be in immediate hospital care. Depressive episode can also occur however, these typically lasts for 2 weeks. Having episodes that consist of mixed features (depression and manic symptoms) can be possible. If this type of bipolar is untreated, manic episodes can last between three to six months. Also, without treatment, depressive episodes can last longer – between 6 to 12 months. The second main type of bipolar is, Bipolar 2 Disorder. This type of bipolar is defined as a pattern of hypomanic and depressive episodes. However, this type of bipolar is not as severe as Bipolar 1 Disorder, because of the full-blown manic episodes that Bipolar 1 Disorder has. Majority of individuals with Bipolar 2 will likely to have more than one episode of severe depression and others could experience hypomania, which would be a 6 to 8 on the mood scale, rather than an extreme manic episode, which is 8 to 10 on the mood scale. The third type of bipolar is, Cyclothymic Disorder. This type of bipolar is also known as Cyclothymia. This type of bipolar is defined by numerous hypomanic symptoms occurring. There are numerous periods when the individual develops depressive symptoms. These can last for 2 years, and 1 year in children and adolescents. However, this type of bipolars symptoms do not meet the diagnostic requirementsfor hypomanic episodes and depressive episodes. The symptoms can last for a period of at least 2 years. Cyclothymia can develop into bipolar. The fourth type of bipolar is, Other Specified Bipolar. This is also known as, Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. This is when the symptoms and bipolar do not clearly indicate one of the other bipolar disorders. The fifth type of bipolar is, Mixed State. These symptoms include stages of mania and depression at the same time. This can result in: agitation, trouble sleeping, suicidal thoughts, changes in appetite and psychosis. The next type of bipolar is, Rapid Cycling. This is when individuals mood swings change faster. This can result in more than four mood swings within, a 12-month period. Rapid Cycling affects around 1 in 10 people with bipolar. This type of bipolar can happen with Bipolar 1 and 2. The last type of Bipolar is Psychosis. This is sometimes severe mania or depression. On the mood scale, the mania comes out at around an 8 to 10 and depression comes out at around a 2 to 0 on the mood scale. This is accompanied by periods of psychosis. The symptoms of Psychosis can include: delusions and hallucinations. Signs and symptoms Individuals who have bipolar, has the following signs and symptoms, however, there are signs and symptoms for both depression and manic state of mind. These symptoms can variety from person-to-person. Depression: - Lack of energy, - Self-doubt, - Difficulty sleeping, - Waking up early, - Lack of appetite, - Suicidal thoughts, - Feeling pessimistic about everything, - Feelings of guilt and despair, - Feeling sad, hopeless or irritable majority of the time, - Feelings of emptiness or worthlessness, - Loss of interest in everyday activities, - Difficulty concentrating and remembering things, - Being delusional, having hallucinations and disturbed or illogical thinking. Mania: - Not eating, - Talking very quickly, - Feeling very happy, elated or overjoyed, - Feeling self-important, - Feeling full of energy, - Being delusional, having hallucinations and disturbed or illogical thinking, - Not feeling like sleeping, - Being easily irritated or agitated, - Being easily distracted, - Feeling full of great new ideas and having important plans, - Making decisions or saying things that are out of character, and that others see as being risky or harmful, - Doing things that often have disastrous consequences, for example, spending large sums of money on expensive and sometimes unaffordable items. What causes Bipolar? The exact cause of bipolar disorder is unknown. There can be a number of factors that can work together to make an individual more likely to develop the condition. There are thought to be a mix of: physical, environmental and social factors. Chemical imbalance in the brain: It is said that bipolar disorder is resulted of chemical imbalances in the brain. The chemicals that are responsible for controlling the brains functions are called neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters include the chemicals: dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin. Experts believe that if there is an imbalance in the levels of one of the neurotransmitters, individuals may develop symptoms of bipolar disorder. An example of this is when mania occurs, this is created by the levels of noradrenaline being too high. The episodes of depression may be the result of the noradrenaline levels being too low. Genetics: Experts also believe that bipolar disorder is linked to genetics, because it is a condition that seems to run in families. The family member or members that have bipolar disorder have a high risk of developing bipolar disorder. However, there is no single gene that is fully responsible for bipolar disorder. It is a number of environmental factors and genetic facts that act as triggers. Triggers: If the individual is going through a stressful circumstance or situation, then this situation can trigger some of the symptoms for bipolar disorder. Examples of triggers could include: ~ Death of a loved one or family member, ~ The breakdown of a relationship, ~ Sexual, physical or emotional abuse. Bipolar Disorder Mood Scale The Bipolar UK mood scale is from a scale of 0 to 10. Individuals who are not affected by bipolar will experience mood swings between 4 and 6 on the mood scale. However, if you do have bipolar, your mood swings are much higher or lower. They can be between 6 to 10. With depression part of bipolar, your levels can go as low as 4 to 0. 0 is the suicidal depression. [] Hypomania (6 to 8 on the mood scale) Individuals experiencing hypomania can come across very self-confident and euphoric, however, they may react with sudden anger, irritability or impatience. They may become more challenging and talkative, along with distracted. The individual may become more reckless than usual. This might mean that there would be errors for judgement. Mania (8 to 10 on the mood scale) The individual that is going through this stage may be experncing mania without knowing that it is happening. They may become incoherent, or disjointed with their thinking, this can lead to them becoming easily distracted. Depression (4 to 0 on the mood scale) Most individuals with bipolar experiences severe depression. Usually this will follow a period of mania or hypomania. For individuals during the winter, it is more likely for them to show signs of depression. Facts/Trivias • Just 1% to 2% of the population experience a lifetime of bipolar. • On averageit takes 10.5 yearsto receive a correct diagnosis for bipolar in the UK. • Bipolar affects every aspect of your life and your relationship. Family and friends can all be put under stress. • Bipolar increases the risk of suicide by 20 times. • Bipolar has a huge impact on family and friends. Help and resources Bipolar UK []– Offers a wide range of information about bipolar, including medication and living with bipolar. NHS - Bipolar []– Learn the basics about bipolar, including diagnosis, treatment and causes of bipolar. - Bipolar [] – Learn about the stigma against bipolar and real-life stories of people who live with bipolar. Kidshealth - Bipolar [] – Kid friendly site about Bipolar. (Teenshealth) Sources [] [] [] [] [] [] Questions for Forum Discussion Do you have any experience with bipolar, either from yourself or a loved one, if so, would you like to share you experience with us? But only if you are comfortable! What type of support have you received or are you receiving from the people around you? How do you deal with your bipolar? Would you mind sharing us any tips or ways on how youre handling it?
MistyMagic profile picture
Bipolar, Schizophrenia & Psychosis Support taglist - add or remove yourself here!
by MistyMagic
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November 14th, 2024
...See more This thread controls an auto-updating taglist please do not edit it. To see the current list, go to: Bipolar Support Taglist []. To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button above and write the exact words "Please add me." To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button above and write �the exact words, "Please remove me." [Updated by @M4GIC on 10-02-22 for current taglist] Please use this New Taglist This post was last updated - 23 Sept 2023 by MistyMagic 206 people: @19jackrabbit69 @A4SPSRDS @Accentus @Acidkplatypus @acupofkai2 @alleywood13 @Amara34 @Ambitioustalker770 @Amld27 @Anna0319 @AnyaS @ApolloKafka @ArianMartian @AvidGamer293 @babysquirrel @Basiljwils @BearWithMe23 @bestBraveheart57 @Bre1237cupslistener @brokeninnc21 @BrokenTearss @BubbleGum928 @BugsYBunny @BunnyInTrouble @ByzantinePrussia @CaitieDid @CaliforniaViv @carefulAcres8381 @cassidychase @celticbard1018 @CharlieHorse1991 @CHarmingTime @cherishx0 @cherrytsubaki20 @Cheryllll @chyni @colorfulJoy4237 @colorfulRose3248 @Comeonreally @concavepearl97 @courageousLychee7497 @curtisw @cyanPlatypus6370 @Cybe @Cyhyreath @DannyB140 @decisiveBeechwood1142 @decisiveLychee3669 @Dimara @Divabrown @Doubledee25 @DragonessCocoa1 @dreamangel135 @DreamingofDakota @Drummermattrocks @DtoxfyBrainPurifyHeartRectfySoul @EcheverianDuchess @egret35 @elatedpeach152 @emju2401 @Endure777 @Ernaest @eternaldarkness22 @evedison358 @EvilRegalsReadToo @fairmindedIdea88161 @fancysummer52 @fearlessCurrent357 @feile @FlamingosWearLipstick @FleetingBardSong @forcefulCamp2310 @FriendlyWords623 @funnyOwl2072 @Gamerboy80 @gentleNight53 @Gerlesa @ghostEyes4970 @giraffe2011 @greenTiger1474 @guatemexicana @GupsyMoon @Haveaneed123 @hazerhea @Helloloves3 @hereforyouharzi @hillsideblues @hopesmiles8825 @Hotaru419 @humorouscarf805 @iamlayan @Iheartguineapigs @IloveCheance45 @Imafilthyhumanbeing @indigoRaspberries4203 @Isabellyjelly @Jacquemoos @jaedae @Janica88 @JeraTheWitch @Jewelmoon17 @jitterbugz7 @JulieHeartHeart @JusticiaPrimalDorogo @justmiles @kindheartedWords6803 @kixhd @Kynz15 @lalabrowni @Laylina0862 @learningtolovemyself1995 @LiineTheFox @limeWatermelon8742 @littleBunny7322 @Looj @lostinspace2002 @luumuno @MadHatter77 @mam1022984 @Mamamel @Marie747 @MarieLane727 @MarissaHope @marytodd11 @me0wcat @MemoryWriter11 @Micp5150 @MieraCurie @Mikababy10 @MindyBlossom @MistyMagic @Moistpillow @MostlyQuiet @mrskim @muskoka @mxmes @nongelic @NotFelixHere @notmyselftoday @NovaDiem @nzv4018 @octopus82 @Orangecat5093 @orangeLake8341 @OscarPerez85 @pandaprincess9 @passZebra3015 @PeachieCat @pepearso @persistentZebra1289 @pinkHickory69001 @placidChestnut8165 @placidMoth @plantmom17 @PrincessAir @princesstears @RaghadR0 @Raimio @rainyday768 @Rambino @Ravenalexis86 @repen13 @RicochetJaguar @RiverJumper2 @Roscoe55 @Roses12 @rrretsuko @Ruidosa @RyuLawliet @SadAFSeth @sailorsays @Selfsufficientfaith @sensibleAvocado4381 @ShadowTag @sisan @soaringgoose @sofiamartino18 @softlyy @softSoul2166 @Soulcomfort @stellarluna0816 @Stuckatcrossroads @SummerHope1904 @SunshineRainbows123 @supertiredbipolarlawyer @sweetPink22 @Talktome929 @Tatianaalize @Tawanda526 @tealDrum7170 @TheDude0156 @Thementalhealth @thequietmouse @tidyPunk49 @toughLion8324 @TranquilSarah @triddett1 @Turn2belle @Vir44 @whatshername79 @WhiteRhino333 @willoltz88 @xelimious @xinyii11 @Zerlyna @zerotwo22
Willywonkafan profile picture
by Willywonkafan
Last post
January 8th
...See more i dont really know how to start this, but i think ive been diagnosed with major depressive disorder for about four years now? a year and a half ago i was diagnosed with ptsd. now im not sure if any of those can cause psychosis, but all i know is that ive experienced psychosis more than once. so the main reason for my ptsd is because ive been in very many emotionally abusive relationships. and this is even worse when we add on the fact that my parents werent exactly the best. so as you can imagine i have an awful time navigating relationships and knowing whether they are healthy. when something triggers my ptsd, i usually start to have thoughts like "everyone i know is only talking to me so they can gather information on how to kill me or ruin my reputation" or "theyre only friends with me because they like to see me sad" i start to hear things that arent there, not voices but sounds like someone banging on my window, ringing and beeping noises. when i see things its usally someone chasing me or just random things constantly moving in the corner of my eyes. sometimes i feel things like someoe is pulling or pushing me. sometimes it feels like theres a completely different person in the mirror staring at me and judging almost. sometimes i think like someones controlling my life or im stuck in someone elses body and they like to make my life go in this sick and twisted loop. always the same cycle, i feel good about myself, i find someone i genuinely care about, i get scared theyll leave and feel threatened, i act impulsively and it makes the situation worse, and it ends up just becoming a self fulfilling profecy. i cant tell if the people im around i actually enjoy or i am just trying to relive my trauma and try to change the outcome so that i get some closure. the delusions really affect my relationships, and i honestly dont know any ways to get rid of them. so yeah sorry if this was long or doesnt even make sense because im rambling or something
Phoenixjade2 profile picture
Bi polar
by Phoenixjade2
Last post
January 3rd
...See more Does any one else suffer with bi polar disorder if so I would really like to ask you some questions. I recently found out that I am bi polar and I'm having a hard time coping with my manic episodes... so pls if any one will take time out of their day to talk that would be great ! Have a good day (:
FireflyDust000 profile picture
BPD Support
by FireflyDust000
Last post
December 20th, 2024
...See more Hey guys with BPD, aka Borderline Personality Disorder. I was just wondering what kind of symptoms you may have experienced as someone who struggles with BPD? I just dont know if i have the symptoms for it and research hasnt been the most helpful. I feel like im crazy for how im feeling. If anyone can share their BPD experiences with me it would be very helpful 
Cnguyen1 profile picture
by Cnguyen1
Last post
June 20th, 2024
...See more I feel tired and anxious. I feel scared to leave the home, because I feel like someone or something is out to get me. And I know I’m struggling a lot more with, like violent thoughts. I want to trace them to their roots, because now I’m afraid of my father killing me, or something.  I often push myself. And I’ve found myself, like at this center with someone who also visited the psychiatric care, like me. I’m inspired by her story, and yet I know nothing about her. Something about her pulls always from me before I get a chance to talk to her. Her name is Sierra. I honestly thought I was going to go into the psychiatric care two times, before taking on this job of mine, which I took out my my own free will, but there this a tie there, with my mom.  So yeah, I feel like, I’m bulldozing my way towards this. All I got was desperation towards the end of the care, and I didn’t end up going all the way through to the home facility, which was basically the reason I was there.  I’m not compatible to my home, anymore, and I hate to admit that. Because now it’s a means to and end attitude. Thanks. 
Chloe1994 profile picture
Single working parent with BPD, Depression and PTSD
by Chloe1994
Last post
April 15th, 2024
...See more Newly reaching out, I’d like to find friends with similar mental health issues. I struggle to make friends and connect with people when they don’t understand or know of the conditions. I’ve been alone for a long time, I’ve decided it’s time I tried to branch out to help myself and possibly others.  I don’t want to feel alone anymore.  Xx 
sky2Ocean20 profile picture
Damage is done, so what do we do now !!
by sky2Ocean20
Last post
March 16th, 2024
...See more For a prolonged period, I did not realize my mood was just not about “I feel down most of the time”. It was about telling your family or someone about it and the best reaction you get is “It’s okay, you will be fine. It’s not a big deal and it’s going to be alright.” Yes, it gets alright but it has a possibility that you might not get alright just like that. It’s going to need lots of awareness, resources, support, and many more things. We can not blame anyone for not getting diagnosed earlier. I mean we can but it won’t help to recover our mental health issues in my opinion. We know deep inside when it’s more than sadness.. but we don’t know exactly what it is! Everyone has a different intensity. Many of us are not blessed to undergo counseling or therapy (I am one of them). But here is the good news, we can still take care of it.. how ?? here is how I started:  📍 Tracking your mood. Doing it Just for a month will give you a pattern. we can continue to do it for years. (there are a bunch of free version apps or it could be simply on paper, there are many YouTube tutorials if you want to get some ideas) 📍 Writing a journal was my go-to reflection process. so after venting there, I could see what was going on in my mind. (I used to include prompts). 📍 Self care is a habit. Sometimes you will be able to do it, sometimes it might go the opposite and make you feel the worse because you won’t be able to keep up with it. Relapsing doesn’t mean "back to square one". It’s an upward spiral. 📍 Having an emergency contact: a support system, a family member, a friend you can rely on ( For a very long time, I had my journal only for my reflections. It was just the last couple of years, I got amazing friends, an understanding partner, and this app. It all didn't happen at once but gradually I was able to stick together with the right people and put effort into making right choices ) 📍 Not isolating yourself. I was one of those who completely used to shut down and avoid people at all costs for many days. But there is an intuition within me who told me to seek help. I listened to that helping voice inside me and started to look for support. At times I relied on a chating bot. like the one we have here in the cup(Noni). There are many other things of course, but these were my starting point. I wanted to share this because personal experiences like this helped me and gave me hope that I can manage it even though I feel alienated and misunderstood because of my mood. You are not your mood. It happens. Life gives you lemons but you have a choice to make something out of it. I am glad 7 cups exist. I am glad we can talk about it and no one will judge you here for finding yourself in a complex situation. Even in our worst days, let’s just not forget- we are human, we can face the struggle, we can go right through it . we can make happy choices for ourselves. It's a matter of trying and we can try our best. 
 profile picture
Schitzoeffective disorder
Last post
March 10th, 2024
...See more 8 years ago or so I was diagnosed scitzoeffective disorder. They initially thought it was  drug and alcohol induced but I was not using drugs or alcohol in the period of my life when my symptoms started. I was prescribed olanzapaine at night and aripiprazole in the morning. I did put on weight I was pree diabetic, 18 stone under 40 years old, that's cause of the olanzapaine. But I lost the weight and I don't have type 2 diabetes, and glad. In September 2022 I moved out my elderly mothers home as she ask me to come back when I was diagnosed and she would support me. But in 2022 I made the decision to move out my mothers as it was not fair on her putting up with me and my symptoms, she deserves to retire in peace and quite. So I was staying on my own, I did not no many people in the area, I was very isolated and alone. I ended up getting in touch with and old friend on *** he was more or less in a similar situation with his mental health. Only he could get weed and other narcotics. When I was young I had a alcohol and drugs habit. So now I'm very carefully not to become addicted.  So I've been smoking weed now and then, I try to have tiny bit, I don't really get high it just makes my symptoms easier to deal with, and I can concentrate to watch TV or read a book. But I don't smoke 24/7. I have been dabbling with other narcotics but I don't need a certain drug, all I'm doing is taking the negative edge of off life. I've tried for so long on many different antipsychotics antidepressants and sleeping pills, with no benefit to me. If anything the mental health professionals have given me brain damage with the amount of medication they have given me. I no longer trust the mental health care given, in the area I live I don't trust any health care, doctors, nurses, phycriatic doctors, dentist even. all lack professionalism and empathy with parents. They get you in for an appointment and 10 min later rush you out. I have no faith in the health care what do ever. If I could move to a new area with different health care facilities I would but it wont happen quick if atall. So I'm trapped living ***. Not just my health the condition of my rented accommodation, the area it's in, I've been beat up robbed I've not went to police cause I don't trust them from past experience. What gets me is so many organisations claim they can help, but when It comes down to it they don't really. Every where gives you the same links online or contact numbers to phone like a crisis line or smaratains that is not what I need. What I need is alternative to antipsychotic medication but I'm not offered any in the area I live. I wish I was not registered with the mental health as their involvement in life since 2022 when i moved along with other issues has had a major impact on mental health severely. They have certainly picked up on this but still they continue to do as they please making me feel harrassed and stressed I've started suffering anxiety now alone with my originally symptoms, they act like I have a cumplusary treatment order but I don't. even the local charities were no use. There is no help. not one person anywhere had stood up to help or give me simple to understand advice with my best interests at heart. If it was me I would stand up to help and go beyond the call of duty to help someone In my position, I don't understand why any one elses would not do the same. Clearly these people who I contacted are in the wrong job, cause they don't seem to care. It's a terrible state of affairs. Life is a terrible infliction for me, I always thought I would get better but now I doubt it very much. My symptoms are difficult to live with. It's not a nice way to feel every time you wake up. That's where weed helps. If I wake up feel so bad, the mental health team suggest anti depressants or mood stabilizers as such but they have terrible side effects and when your on then it's no an easy ride coming of them. So if I'm that bad in the morning when I get up, I'll have a tiny bowel of weed on a pipe and that's it, have a shower, I can do every day tasks with out stress and agro. Some times I have no appetite weed helps with that, I can watch TV read a book as I mentioned I can even concentrate to play a video game.  But I don't have weed all the time, I don't want a high tolerance so I need to smoke more and more, it's quite expensive anyway if your deemed to unwell to work. As for other narcotics it's no a regular thing, every month or so after all my bills are paid out goings I'm sitting on Own I'm so bored and lonely I feel as now and again I need to stimulate my brain with a stimulate such as cocaine or mdma. I used amphetamine alot when I was a teenager and I don't want to be awake for so long. But I don't feel myself craving drugs I have no addiction, cause I'm actually quite clued up about drugs, alcohol the effects negative and positive withdrawals, from Life experience. So I'm stuck in limbo, living I. ***, trapped, no way out. It's not good situation to be in 😞 Just to add I no longer take medication as it was not helping me. I came off them to quickly so suffered with drawls which are worse than your symptoms just adding to your problems.
valthepal15 profile picture
Going through stuff.
by valthepal15
Last post
February 5th, 2024
...See more It's horrible. My hallucinations worsen with each year. I have been having those since I was 7 (I'm 15). Around two weeks before Christmas, I started having horrible paranoia and sleep paralysis which literally puts me through horrible pain as to nearly killing me at times. I have noticed a huge difference through my drawings, it went from wholesome practice drawings to horrible, graphic, distorted stuff within a year. I'm also on the spectrum and suspected bipolar. I haven't slept well since it started. I can't fall asleep anymore. It's affecting my physical health and I already have bad heart problems that will haunt me all my life.
blitheSun94 profile picture
An Open Letter to Those with Mental Illness
by blitheSun94
Last post
December 9th, 2023
...See more “I had moments of lucidity. They were few, but I had them. Sometimes the drugs did work. But there were people who didn't get better, even with the medicine. What good is hospitalisation, then? To gather together the human debris.” -Rodrigo de Souza Leão, All Dogs Are Blue [] Mental illness varies greatly among individuals. As I move through my eighth psychotropic drug trial I feel a twinge of grief, but also optimism. These medications are no joke, and the decision to trust a mental health professional is never easy. I hadn’t seen mine in six years because my last med change resulted in my second hospitalization, but I was also fortunate enough to be in a quality program that made sure I never came back. If you don’t need medicinal intervention, consider yourself a lucky star, but please do not negate the dangers of non-compliance as it pertains to the well being of others simply due to ignorance or an insecure intention to perpetuate the problem. My family tree has been horrifically poisoned, and there were some environmental factors that certainly didn’t help. People love to tell me that every family is dysfunctional, but mine is uniquely trauma bonded. It feels like there’s been more funerals than christmases. Mental illness is very real, so real that the alternative to sound treatment is a shortened and grim life expectancy. I stayed, even when my condition tried to steal the very air from my lungs. I stayed, even when the whispering in my ears and the planning stages grew to a fatal volume. I stayed, even when reinforced by the lie that they’d all be better off. For those who do understand, I see you. The side effects of medication alone can be daunting, but I can also feel the relief leaking in after years of white knuckling it. What works for me may not work for you and the decision to disclose requires bravery, but please don’t ever allow shame or guilt to cost you your life or deny you your access to healthcare. Telling my story outloud has been more cathartic than any doctor’s office, but that’s only one piece of the puzzle. If you’re experiencing that dark night of the soul; if your own family rejects you; if you have to do it alone, please stay. These kinds of monsters grow in the dark and are emboldened by generations of devastating silence. Please stay for the countless others whose chains will be broken by your telling, and so too your suffering will not be in vain.
MindLooker91 profile picture
MY Life in a Million Pieces.
by MindLooker91
Last post
November 16th, 2023
...See more I was 15 when I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder 1 with mixed features and psychotic features. I have had many near death experiences. Rounds of electro convulsive therapy. Tons of different meds. It made me have to drop out of college at 19. It got me fired from a job I liked. And made a lot of people I thought were my friends abandon me. The psychosis part can be scary at times. My life has taken me through the physical, the meta physical, the spiritual and back. But bipolar disorder is not longer going to tell me what to do. I am returning to college after 11 years. I feel I'm set for success due to now having a great psychiatrist and therapist. I just have to throw myself in. I'm going to a LGBT support group and getting back into NAMI. Who knows what all clubs the university will have to offer. We all have a source of energy in us we don't stay fully aware of. I am freaking out about returning to college though. IT's paid for. I guess the biggest stress reliever is over. And with psychosis. I am trying to initiate a great training program for listeners dealing with a member who may be psychotic. I've been psychotic plenty of times and I knew how I wanted to be treated. And I have dealt with it from the opposite side. It would thrill me to death if I could design it. Knowing both sides and having some prominent psychiatrists agree with me. I also dream of hosting workshops for mental health providers. Tell them things their medical school fellowship didn't. Things they can only learn from the patient. Like how we want to be treated. Our needs and anxieties. This illness has come close to destroying my life many times. Now I see it gave me many learning tools and a lot of strength after falling and getting back up. Let's see what the future holds while it stubbornly gets worse.
TheDude0156 profile picture
by TheDude0156
Last post
October 26th, 2023
...See more I am asking for your personal experience. What medications do you take for bipolar? What do they do for you? What didn't work for you? Just wanted to see what other people take and if it helps. This way when I talk to my Dr I have information to sudjest to see what he thinks as well.
ByzantinePrussia profile picture
by ByzantinePrussia
Last post
September 6th, 2023
...See more Hey everyone. I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Jim. I live in the US and have BPD 1, mixed with anxiety.

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