Possible bipolar? Too many possibilities
Saw a doctor for my depression and out of control anxiety and because my psychologist wanted me to go to the hospital in March due to a hypomania causing concern- I didn’t go to the hospital but I made an appt with doctor instead and it took a month to get in to see her. Anyways I’d wanted an antidepressant and she prescribed Abilify instead which I don’t know anything about. She said I could decide if I wanted to take something now, or wait to see a psychiatrist. She thinks I show bipolar tendencies and wants me seen by a psychiatrist.
I saw a psychiatrist 20 years ago he said I was borderline personality disorder with schizoid traits. I’d thought I was bipolar then but he didn’t think so.
I’m also going for an autism assessment after a year waitlist.
I’m spun out about all this. I don’t know what it is that can help me not be so anxious (other than quitting my job). I need a safety net. I need to not be so depressed. I need to not lose time from mental issues. I’m so scared of being flattened and losing my sparkle. I’m back to being willing to pay the price of sparkling. It’s not healthy but I don’t know what else to do. Don’t see my psychologist until next week.
You are going through a lot. But You are stronger than you think!
We all are here to listen.
As someone who is bipolar type one and autistic (diagnosed with autism as a small child and bipolar type one as an adult) I'm here to listen if you need someone to talk to. I have anxiety issues as well mainly with driving and I've never had my license because of it,but I'm working on it I've renewed my permit again recently.
@UnaDawn That particular med you mentioned flattens all feelings reactions etc. it is not a primary treatment for bipolar disorder. I was offered it inappropriately multiple times.
As far as autism here is my quick and dirty assessment. "Dog" -- describe please what popped into your mind when I said that.