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sensitiveme00 September 8th, 2023

I am writing this here as I don’t find any support in this whole wide world sometimes. I am finding it increasingly difficult to relate to anyone at all in this world. Family or friends or spirituality, or even many 7 cups members. I need empathy.

I wrote Crossroads because I feel like I want to come out of all the stupid belief systems including a spiritual thing I am doing, including wanting to stop believing in God or whatever, I am so ***king lost right now. I am at a crossroads because I am the edge of changing my belief systems everything I have been taught about life

Barltik2065 September 13th, 2023



Thank you for sharing with us. That took great courage.

It can be difficult to find a relational stable ground in a world that doesn’t see very stable.

You are not alone.

It might seem that you are not able to relate with us or we might not be able to relate with you? But we will not abandon you.

We are here.

So you are in the process of changing your belief system, which is a positive for we are to challenge. We are not to have blind faith. Blind faith can be dangerous.

So far where has your exploration lead you too? Where would you like to go with the belief system?

sensitiveme00 OP September 13th, 2023

Hey Bartlik!

i feel like my belief systems are changing quite a lot. After I wrote this post I have now turned back to spirituality. I have been struggling with depression with quite a long while now. Tbh it makes me bitter about how things are. While I am still lost. I feel a bit better having a spiritual anchor in a spiritual thing I am doing. I am really earnestly trying to find my way. Until last two weeks was cowed down by sickness but recovering from it right now

Barltik2065 September 14th, 2023


Hello SensitiveMe;

That is great to hear you have a spiritual anchor. Spirituality is IMHO a basis that we develop our world view off of. And I also believe our Spirituality is forever naturally changing based on our experiences and relationships.

You said “I am really earnestly trying to find my way.” Do you have a goal / destination in mind?

sensitiveme00 OP September 14th, 2023

Hey! No goal as such. It’s just that I want to be on track wrt work related things

Applehorse September 14th, 2023


I definitely relate to your feelings.

Such transitions are massive on the inside .. its very hard to do alone. It's a feat,
but you don't have to it alone.

If you want to talk on subjects including spirituality we can discuss. Msg me.
Would like to hear you out 🙂

BlueHope909 September 14th, 2023

we can chat on my listener account.

sensitiveme00 OP September 14th, 2023

Ok sure