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Looking for support/friends

blueBeing4964 June 6th

Hello! 31 F here. I was initially diagnosed when I was about 15 or 16 years old, and was later rediagnosed with Bipolar I. I'm currently unmedicated due to an insurance lapse. I have since gotten new insurance, but I had to find a new psych because my old one (whom I was very happy with) does not accept my new insurance. I'm seeing the new psych next week, and I'm really nervous about the treatment they're going to recommend. I'm currently struggling with anxiety, paranoia, insomnia, and feeling very much like a yo-yo - up and down and up and down. This is my first time seeking support from a community who might understand. Thank you for reading. :)

lolcooterbob3402 June 7th

Distraction is the best medicine for anxiety. Which directly effects the others. If your messaging back and forth with someone for 3 hours. Arguing over what would be worse. Being woke up in class cuz you were kissing your hand in your sleep or getting your underwear snagged halfway down Steve's super slide at the county fair. You would forget to have anxiety.

Silly equals sanity

blueBeing4964 OP June 13th

@lolcooterbob3402 I'm glad that works for you!

blueBeing4964 OP June 13th

@neatTortoise2053 I'm sorry to hear that! I hope you have since gotten some good sleep!

rockymoss June 16th

Hey, my spouse is struggling with similar things and is also in your age range. If you’re still looking for friends let me know and I’ll reply as soon as I can. I’m sure they’d love to be your friend.

blueBeing4964 OP August 16th

@rockymoss Hi! I'm sorry I didn't see this until now, I've been busy and forgot I posted. Still looking for friends/support! 

7cupsadness August 19th

Hello! 31M here been diagnosed bipolar 1 for 2 years now. I can be your friend if you want someone to talk to about our disorder