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Is it helpful getting a diagnosis?

I've always been considered a bit quirky even when I was a kid. And I've mostly just accepted I'm a bit weird, don't really have many friends and struggle socially especially face to face with people I don't know well.

It's been suggested by a few different people that maybe I have an autistic streak which would explain why my behaviours aren't *normal*.

I think I'm being kind but come across as being a push over, I think I'm helping by being there but I'm told I don't contribute ideas. The way I am has massively impacted my friendships (or lack thereof) and relationships (partner of 10+ years wants to break up).

My question is, is it helpful getting a diagnosis? Has it made any changes positive or negative to your lifestyle? I'm just wondering if it is something I should pursue.

Thanks for reading

RainbowRosie August 17th


Hi there, and good question.  By pursuing a diagnosis it could be something that helps you understand yourself more, or a step towards receiving any support you may need. Your decision of course, and if it turns out you’re not, then there’s nothing wrong with being quirky.

Best of luck with whatever you decide 🌹

cherishedComfort2416 6 hours ago

Getting an official diagnosis doesn't actually change anything about who you are, if you are diagnosed you've had it your entire life. What it can do is help you accept it easier and understand yourself. I was diagnosed in my early 20s (not long ago) and since then it has made it easier to understand myself and why I've always felt different. I've always been like this, but having something specific to research and understand has been a bit help, and getting a diagnosis just made it easier to accept and feel sure that I'm not just "making things up" or "being dramatic." Everyone is different, but this has been my experience with it.