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We are not a bad person when we have negative thoughts

pinkPark4926 August 29th, 2016

Hi all

I would like to emphasize this idea since many of you (including me) may be lured from the thoughts themselves when we think so negatively toward ourselves and people and then the next thoughts would be ... why am I such a bad person, I hate myself thinking so bad about him/ her while he/ she did good things for us, why am I such an evil?, etc. By thinking this, it will trigger more negative thoughts to occur and make you feel worse than before... you may understand and experience this more or less since I experienced it myself for over 30 years and wonder why I'm so unhappy and my low self-esteem was implanted so deep down then leads to SA unavoidably. Now I would say I am recovered 70-80% after I know this idea as well as practicing mindfulness and meditation on a daily basis. I will share more details about it in a new review soon but just would like to share one important ideas that I think we should know first.

Another thing is that most of our thoughts are not true... you should keep this in mind. Then once you practice mindfulness long enough, you will become more aware of your thoughts and be able to fight back. I proved that this works! (as i overcome it myself) and it helps me recover from my own depression and this made me want to help out other people (coz I really know how hard it is from direct experience )

Let's feel free to share comments on how you think about this idea or your experience on this.

SimpleOwl August 29th, 2016


I think it's really great that you emphasized this- evaluating our thoughts before we accept them as truth. For anyone who may be curious about how they can work on this, feel free to check out some of the self-help guides on the site. Since we are in the anxiety forum, here is a link to the anxiety self-help guide which also highlights some of what pinkPark was saying (and more!) :)

pinkPark4926 OP August 29th, 2016

@SimpleOwl with great pleasure. I firstly didn't know that how it would work since it's like being said is much easier than done but after realizing all the truths awaken after mindfulness practice, my world is not the same anymore. I wish people who read this find its useful somehow. I really wish that you will be on the right path to be a better person as well as to be cured like me.

QuietSoul15 August 30th, 2016

I was thinking about the same exact thing the other day. Somtimes it can be so easy to let ourselves think negitively while not really thinking about how true those thoughts are. I like to challenge these atomatic thoughts and try to change them into positive ones.

pinkPark4926 OP August 30th, 2016

@QuietSoul15 exactly. I know how hard it is and how far it can go from the chain of thoughts, from one to another which is so fast and seem uncontrollable. The more you practice mindfulness, the more you can aware of them (since they seem to be slower and you can acknowledge them and realize whether it's true or not), then you will be awaken from false thoughts and beliefs and question whether it's true. You will later find that many times these thoughts are irrational or irrelevant to the original thought itself and you can let go. Good luck on your path 😊