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Too Much Anxiety!

Dandeli November 4th, 2015

I don't even know how to start this hehe ;v;

I'm too nervous to talk to listeners and too scared to make the more serious forum posts (the games ones are fine, somehow), too anxious to make friends and too afraid to speak up in my college classes.
I would love to have a psychiatrist to spill all my woes to, but I don't even know if I have the courage to talk to one (and I'm unsure of how to find one in my location, or determine if they're good or not). I've been looking for online ones, but I can't actually pay for it (I have no payment method, or even money,).

I'd like to tell my friends and family that I feel like a wreck, but they all seem to feel the same way and I don't want to add to their problems. I have been brushed off a few times before as well, so I know my issues aren't that great, but I'd still like some comfort, I guess.

MeagantheMo November 4th, 2015

I sympathize with you greatly on this. Social anxiety sucks, and it can get in the way of a lot of things. I do suggest talking to a therapist, as they can help you the most, but if that's not something you'd be able to do, try taking baby steps. I overcame a paralyzing fear of spiders by slowly exposing myself to more and more bits of the thing I was afraid of. I used to be so scared that I couldn't even look at a picture of a spider without freaking out. Then, I touched the picture and my fear lessened a significant amount. However, I wasn't able to go from touching a picture to squishing spiders on my own. Social anxiety is a common thing, but it can hinder you from showing your true potential. I suggest creating a list of the things that scare you in social situations and possible outcomes. Order it from most scary to least scary. Then, expose yourself to the least scary thing/situation enough times that you aren't scared of it anymore. Once that happens, cross it off the list and start again on the next scariest thing. That way you'll be able to track your progress. Also, if you fall back and something starts scaring you again, just uncross it and work on it again.

Good luck and I hope this helps!

- Meagan

InnocenceKuchiki November 4th, 2015

Perhaps you should try approaching your family with the issue regardless of their own. You need those closest in hard times, you could help each other.

SilverWaterfall November 4th, 2015

Hi Dandeli, I'm sorry that you are experiencing all of this *hugs*. What you have described sounds like social anxiety (which I have too), so if you want to talk to me about it, feel free :)
I understand how hard it may be for you to speak to me, but I want you to know that I never judge anyone and if you think that you embarrass yourself - I promise you that you aren't. Also, I'm willing to make this easier for you in any way I can, for example, if you find it easier to contact me through messages now and again, that's okay too :) Have a nice day *hugs* :D

willingDime7346 November 4th, 2015


So glad you felt comfortable enough to share your story with us. Here's a hug. 👍

pinkpalpark November 6th, 2015

Sometimes when people have their own problems it makes them feel good to help someone else. If you speak to your family it may make them feel better if they know they are helping you