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This sounds like a middle school problem.

CheesyBroccoli November 8th, 2019

I told my serious crush that I liked him. He didn't really shut me down, nor did he say he liked me too. I just don't know what I feel except that there's a bunch of warning signs going off in my body that are making me and my anxiety go haywire. I don't know what to do... I don't know what I'm doing... he probably doesn't like me. But gosh, I hope he does. All I want to happen is for me to get an answer... good or bad, at least there would be an answer.

God, I'm such an idiot. I shouldn't have told him... I can't let this ruin a perfectly good friendship. I've done that enough on my own already. And he was the best guy... I'm so stupid for doing this. Warning signs are going off and I just blew them up. And now my anxiety about this is worse.

aquaWater8587 November 9th, 2019

@CheesyBroccoli I know how you feel except that I am a boy and I told the girl that I really like that I like her but she didn't give me a response but she didn't give me my response if you know what I mean but I just feel you and I hope that it's all good.

ikomiko November 9th, 2019

@CheesyBroccoli Maybe it's worth calmly saying to him something like...: "Hey, I know I told you I liked you but that doesn't have to change anything if you're not interested. Just let me know either way. If you don't want anything to change, neither do I, I felt like I had to say it so we're both on the same page." If you don't think you can say it calmly to his face, a text or email or Facebook chat (or Whatsapp, or however you normally chat!) would work just as well.

That way, you get your answer. It will likely change your relationship now that he knows how you see him, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing -- at least now everything's on the table. Maybe he'll be flattered you trusted him!

It's totally rough to feel like you've messed up a friendship, and maybe the change won't be for the best; I don't want to pretend everything's okay and then be made a liar! But if he's such a great guy, I suspect he'll be willing to continue being friends. He's probably just surprised.

CheesyBroccoli OP November 9th, 2019


Thanks for the advice! It's just so hard initially after telling them to feel like you haven't messed things up.