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Methods for Calming Down, Relaxation & Feeling Better - Please Share!

User Profile: Rebecca
Rebecca February 25th, 2015

Hey! I thought it would be cool to have a thread where people can share their ways of feeling better during a bad bit of anxiety! Feel free to share anything that may have helped you!

Something that I really like doing is breathing exercises. They help me calm down before performances and they might help you too! One I really enjoy is either puckering your lips as though you had a straw in between, or folding your tongue if you can to make a smaller air stream. When you breath in, the air should be cool. Hold the air for four seconds, then breath out for eight seconds or as long as you can, whatever comes first. The cool air helps to cool down your body.

Another method I like is tensing up different body parts, starting up at your head, and working your way down to your toes. Tense up each of your body parts for five seconds, and then release. When you have finished tensing and relaxing your toes, tense up your whole body. Relax. This exercise can increase your relaxation. I like to focus on the sensations around me while I do this. The sound of the heater or air conditioner. The quiet buzz of cars outside my window. The sound of birds chirping in the morning. The feeling of the floor on my feet, or my breath coming in and out. This also helps me fall asleep when I have a busy mind.

I hope some of these helped you! They help me calm down a lot! As I said, feel free to add any exercises you like to do to calm down! Stay strong!heart

User Profile: soulsings
soulsings September 29th, 2015

While breathing naturally, silently count one on the inhale. Two on the exhale, three on the inhale...continuing up to 10. Then start at one again. Allow the breath to be naturally but belly breathing can be more relaxing if that is natural.

This is my first aid kit for calming down. Let me know how it works for you.

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User Profile: Rebecca
Rebecca OP September 29th, 2015

@soulsings thanks for sharing with us! In case you couldn't tell from my original post, I'm also a fan of using breathing exercises as ways to calm down and ground myself! I find it really helpful; hopefully others do too.

Thanks again for sharing!

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User Profile: soulsings
soulsings September 29th, 2015

Another name for meditation is mindfulness. To me a simple definition is being mindful of what is happening around me and inside me.

For me meditation or mindfulness is about getting back into a quiet mind, so rampant thoughts and emotions, especially anxious ones, are an impediment. So I connect with the breath as I silently count the inhales and exhales.

User Profile: astm
astm September 29th, 2015

My top 3 things I do to relax are:

Going out for a walk

Doing yoga (with this awesome videos)

and Meditation.

3 replies
User Profile: astm
astm September 29th, 2015

these* :p

User Profile: Rebecca
Rebecca OP September 29th, 2015


I love these suggestions! Even just thinking about them is putting me into a more calm and peaceful mindset. Thanks for sharing!

1 reply
User Profile: astm
astm September 29th, 2015

I'm glad :D

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