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I don't know what's my fault and what isn't

User Profile: willowtree94
willowtree94 July 31st, 2016

I try and be really proactive about my anxiety in my relationship and work out what I can do better. I'm constantly trying to work on it and not let it hold me back. But I feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of issues I seem to have. Basically what happens is that I speak to my partner about an issue, or something I'd like her to do differently, but after some talk about it I tend to realise (or so it seems) that it's probably my fault. A frequent example is that I start missing my partner more and feeling somewhat neglected (we're long distance) but I usually end up thinking that it's just me being needy. I end up backtracking, withdrawing what I asked her to do and saying I'll be better instead.

Naturally this confuses her. She doesn't like when I backtrack in this way because in her words it weakens her trust in me and she doesn't know what's something she needs to work on and what isn't. And I understand that, I do, but at the same time I'm not doing it deliberately. I don't set out to have a conversation and realise it's my fault. It just happens.

Now the real issue is, I don't know ​if it's my fault for sure. I'm sure at least some of it is but I don't think she's helping the situation very much either; but if that's so, idk what I'd prefer. My confidence feels so shot down by now; I don't trust any of my thoughts. I wish I had a therapist to talk to but I can't get that in place just yet. I have no idea what's anxiety and what isn't here.

User Profile: Mirea
Mirea July 31st, 2016

@willowtree94 LDRs are tough. May I suggest working on rethinking your language?

In the example you gave, you used "neglect" and "needy". One implies fault on her end and the other implies fault on yours. What if there is no fault? What if it's simply a problem to be solved together? You could speak about how you feel honestly and there would be no need to backtrack.

For instance: :"I've been really missing you. What can we do to connect more right now?" No blame, no reason to backtrack. Just an invitation to come together. Might that help?

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User Profile: willowtree94
willowtree94 OP August 1st, 2016

@Mirea Hey I think you're right actually. I'm always looking to place blame somewhere, even though I'm not intending to; if not me then on her. So no wonder she feels defensive, and no wonder I feel like I'm always doing something wrong.

I'll try phrasing things differently. Thank you :)

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