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Feeling heavy and confused

eaglebike96 September 26th, 2021

I pretty much dunno why do I feel like my heart's rate is increasing and I feel like I wanna cry and it's stcuk in my chest ...I cried because I was stressed out because of numerous things ..u tried doing things that make me feel better but I just don't feel it ... I feel soo confused ..I can't concentrate as if my emotions are taking control of me ... I dunno what's happening. I wish if it's just phase or momentary.

peacefulPaintings September 27th, 2021

@eaglebike96 The symptoms you are describing are the classical symptoms of anxiety. You need to deal with the feelings you are describing, see what is the root cause, analyse your thoughts and see why this is happening. CBT can help you a lot, feel free to check the resources i have in my description. If you want to be listened i'm here for you!

eaglebike96 OP September 27th, 2021

Thank you !🤗

I was pretty much confused what was happening with me ... I thought it was just momentary.