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Anxiety and family

Jc1985 May 8th, 2016

Hey guys , so as I've posted earlier I'm dealing with anxiety and depression , and I'm trying to be positive and do things to counter act that, but my mom also has depression and anxiety . I try my best to help and talk to her but she just gets to these lows and nothing I say helps and I don't know what to do , which in turn makes me more depressed and anxious. Has anyone else ever dealt with this or been in this situation? If so is there anything you did that you felt like was beneficial for yourself or your family member?

Prabhavpachauri May 8th, 2016


Hey just 17y.o. Quite similar my first mom is schizophrenic live with dad and step mom. Been a boarding school kid for 6 years so was self depend. But relationship with step mom was bad as she too was constantly low. Then I started to help around with dishes one day and it worked magic. Now I do all chores and try to make everything easier for her which makes me a sort of a emotional support. I can't say for sure but lending a hand works well to lift spirits generally.

louiseg1985 May 8th, 2016

It is difficult. I think both of you should go see a councellor cuz youre both too emotional to offload onto eachother at the minute. Sometimes its the small things like finding.your favourite tele program watch it together, make cups of teas and in between say i know its hard lifes tough but were not alone with this, we will be ok, i love you. We will just take one day at a time. Its about being kind to yourselves. Dont add anymore pressure and accept you are ok to be like this for now. Baby steps. Ive had panic attacks since october twin sis became pregnant and she had hurrendous sickness etc so neither of us could support eachother@Prabhavpachauri

Prabhavpachauri May 10th, 2016

@louiseg1985 thanks for the advice I have been under counseling for about 3 years now and it does make a lot of difference. I wouldn't even have been here if not for my counselor.