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Anxiety affecting school life

Been struggling with staying in classes for more than 2-3 hours in college. It's been really hard to interact with people. Even when I make the effort to talk to others, the constant irrational fear that they hate me and everything I've said kills me from within.

The anxiety does not go away even when the class is quiet; it actually gets worse. In particular, I have this fear that I'll get hungry and my stomach will start growling really loudly which will make people laugh at me. For context, I have classes for 6 hours straight with no break. I know it's a stupid fear, but I can't seem to help it. I've tried everything including drinking loads of water and bringing snacks. Does anyone else struggle with this? 

Everyone keeps telling me that I should take it slow and be proud of myself for getting to the point where I can stay in class for at least 2 hours, but it's hard to do that when I know how important attendance is in my course.

I'm so sick of social anxiety and having to struggle with basic things that everyone else can do. Constantly being afraid of judgment from people is taking its toll on me and I'm tired of it all. The medication isn't helping enough either.

ASilentObserver March 5th

@fearlessBlueberry6162 I hear you berry, it sounds like you are experiencing significant distress related to your social anxiety, particularly in academic settings. I get it you feel pressure to attend classes and that your anxiety makes it difficult to focus. Please know you are not alone in struggling with this, we are all here with you to support.