internal struggles
so i kinda need a little, i dunno if I wanna say guidance, but something. have a huge panic attack/break down yesterday. took it out on my partner. We talked this morning and he told me he was partially to blame due to how hes been acting this month but we both agree we definently need to sit down and talk since we both really want to have a future with each other. On that same token, a friend torn into me for a few things but one big thing that it did do was through me into a mind set to introspect almost. Im came to realize im at a constant war with my self over wanting to be social and be with my partner at fun events and such, since he likes to talk about me and brag about me. but I also want to sheild myself from becoming invested in others since I've been walked on, backstabbed and used for others personal gain. This starting to creep into psych/therapy terriroty? It is really effecting my personal life, work ethic and my relatiships with friends and my partner
Sorry that you are going through this. Have you both read the book 5 love languages and chat about it? You also might check out the pleasant activites list on the web.