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unicornbarb October 7th, 2020

Hi all. Had a rough few months. I got furloughed due to Covid19. I was called back to work two months later and made the difficult decision to quit. And look for another job in the fall. Problem is now I am having anxiety about finding another job. and everything else in my life seems to suck. When I try to tell my husband how I feel it seems like it just ends up in a fight...he says I complain too much. I get mad at him its like he doesn't understand why I'm upset. Talking to him usually makes me feel worse instead of better. I'm in counseling and meds...but I just don't feel happy with my I decided to give this site a go

DalU919199 October 7th, 2020

@unicornbarb Hi Barb,

first and foremost: you deserve to be heard through good or bad. Your voice matters especially when it's being used to reach out for help for such a private feeling. This is a GREAT place to start. I showed up on this platform with similar feelings to you a few months ago.

Your anxiety is a natural reaction in your body when your mind thinks there is a threat: new job. The unknown is the scariest but most exciting part of life. You must now find a new job: is this an opportunity for growth in your life? Or is this creating a spiral of unknown things ahead that you feel you can't bare? Internally changing perspectives to a life altering situation is very challenging ESPECIALLY when default brain and physiological mechanisms in our body tell us doing new things= stress. Where stress is internally and unconscious perceived as bad.

Now, the opportunity ahead. Taking things day to day and rewarding yourself for success when completing a small part of your larger goal. Start with proofreading that resume one day, and when you go back to it the next, correct the mistakes. One day take a step into the internet and see some examples of "good resume templates" and fine tune yours. By the end of the week you have a sparking resume. The following week fine a new focal point: job search. Applying for one-two jobs a day is a HUGE SUCCESS. Take small wins and they will collectively turn into sustainable and manageable tasks.

DalU919199 October 7th, 2020

@DalU919199 I ran out of characters. Just wanted to finish by telling you that I'm cheering for you. Anxiety tells us when you fight or run when a huge predator faces us, evolutionarily. It hasn't evolved well to relax when we go to change life altering things. You are your biggest ally as you get to decided your path. I'm now your biggest fan. Please keep reaching out, your voice is heard.