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You can do it.

sporkchop September 22nd, 2016

I've been writing in my journal a lot recently in an attempt to help with my relationship anxiety. Some nights are better than others. A couple of nights ago, I was working on combatting my anxious thoughts with some positive thinking and decided that I'd share part of what I wrote in my journal, because I think that a lot of us can probably relate.

My mind wants me to feel alone. But I am not alone. I am loved. And I am so many other things.

I am strong.
I am passionate.
I am caring.
I am emotional.
I am brave.
I am creative.
I am smart.
I am talented.
I am so many things.

My brain wants me to focus on the bad things, on what could go wrong. But I don't want to do that. I want to focus on the good things. I want to focus on what could go right.

The future is not some scary place where bad things wait for me. I create the future with my present. If I focus on the good things now, then good things will continue to happen. And if some unforeseen bad thing happens, I will get through it, as I always do.

Because I can.

lindsayscheinermanLPC September 22nd, 2016


nice! What an awesome reflection and so cool for you to share with others! You did an awesome thing for yourself! Remember the satisfaction it gave you!

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sporkchop OP September 23rd, 2016

@LScheinLPC Thank you. It's been very up and down for me lately (today is a down, unfortunately). My mind tends to jump automatically to negative thoughts, and it takes a lot of work for me to think positively. I tend to "catastrophize" a lot. So I think the idea of creating my own future by taking things a day at a time is something that will be helpful for me (and probably a lot of others who suffer from anxiety) to keep in mind.

lindsayscheinermanLPC September 23rd, 2016


good for you! I'm sorry today was low for you but it seems like you have found ways to work on moving forward! Ever try daily affirmations? I know you may not feel it today but I am proud of you.

It seems you have great insight on what you would like to change.

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courageousNatural63 September 23rd, 2016

Wow @sporkchop! This is amazing. I'm so happy for you. You've actually inspired me.

chemarie143 September 25th, 2016


Thanks for sharing such a wonderful passage from your journal. :) Reading it brought a smile to my face.

blueTown3017 September 23rd, 2016


What a great post, thanks for sharing because I can definately relate. You're very brave for sharing a part of you're journal. Good job and I hope you continue to do well. You can totally do it.

EllieKB September 24th, 2016


this is fantastic! thank you for sharing! it's important to write down the positives when you're really feeling them because it gives you something good to reflect back on when you're not feeling so good. i hope you remember to look back at this when you're feeling down to remember what an amazing person you are!