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What do I do?

Justneedsomeadviceyeah March 21st, 2020

I have terrible anxiety to where it's taking over my ability to think clearly. Sometimes I have bad thoughts, and I always cry myself to sleep. I pray every night that it will just stop, but it never does. I have a boyfriend, we've been together for 3 years. My anxiety has taken over and I can't help but overthink everything. I do trust him, but my head says what if he finds someone better, what if he gets this new job and he starts to like another girl, what if I lose my best friend and I can't get him back. My overthinking causes arguments, and I end up crying myself to sleep. I try so hard to be a good girlfriend, but I feel like I've failed because of my anxiety. I won't ever be good enough for anyone or anything. I used to have such a big imagination, and I had this amazing beautiful future planned ahead for me. Now it's like the future doesn't exist. I can't think straight enough to even imagine my future. I want to be here, but at the same time I'm so miserable and I just want it all to stop. I want to go back how I used to be, a normal girl that didn't have to fake her smile. I want to feel happy again. I want to feel that urge to push further. Someone please give me advice. I really need help. I'm on 3 anxiety pills, nothing is working. Thank you if you read this, I appreciate you a lot.

Nandini172002 March 21st, 2020



luxx454 March 21st, 2020

@Justneedsomeadviceyeah First off, it's okay to be anxious and a mess, we all can be at times. However for you it seems to be affecting your relationship and quality of life. Oh it did for me as well, I had a lot of doubts in my last relationships that led me in the same boat with too much emotion and anxiety. And i do not have words or a solution to magically heal you, but what helped for me wa trying to be kind to myself. I still get anxious and feel like i can't do it anymore, but in those times I try to be gentle and kind with myself. Maybe you feel bitter towards yourself and do not like who you are right now, but the fact you are trying to change and are aware is a wonderful first step.Thoughts can make us go crazy and it helps to find something else to focus on, maybe a puppy, good music, a hobby, anything. Also, we all here are happy to listen to you whenever you have an anxiety bout, you do not have to do this alone:)

432HZPositiveVibes March 21st, 2020


I really like guided meditations, like on Youtube or Headspace. Very relaxing.

I also like what luxx said about being gentle and kind to yourself. That was kind of the beginning of the journey for me, for change. Take care of yourself dear, and send me a message if you ever want to chat heart