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That One Step Forward, That Fear of Failure.

DestinyAuth0r September 5th, 2016

Last friday I made a decision. A decision to pursue my dreams: To be a Writer, a Content Creator and a Psychologist.

Currently in Finances, a major I do not want to be in any longer, unemployed and depressed, I decided to take a step towards my passions:

I started writing my novel from nothing, I made a YouTube channel and a first video and I became a Listener on 7Cups. What remains is to give my all in the major I have now in order to finish it, then start my studies in Psychology afterwards.

After years, I began tackling all my passions, all at once.

But the fear and anxiety kicked in at the right moment:

Tomororw I need to shoot and upload a new video, I want to write another chapter in my story and the next day afterwards I begin my third year in Finances.

"What if nobody will like my videos, what if I make an embarassment of myself, what if nothing good comes out of it, what if I waste my time."

"Why bother writing that story, no one will read it."

"Why try so hard to make your studies work, You barely manage anyways."

"Why try. Why do so much. You will fail."

Fear, Anxiety, lack of confidence, they all start hitting me blow by blow, the day before i should be at my strongest.

I fear failure so much i barely try, and tomorrow is that first step in all the directions I once before gave up on. But it is so hard, and honestly, I feel like I barely have the strength.

But you see... if I give up again, I will fall back here, where I am now. I will return to this.

So, is it really that bad?

Maybe. Maybe it is.

Who said everything needs thinking? Once the plan is set, why not just mindlesly follow it?

Tomorrow I am setting foot for a journey I HONESTLY have no clue if I will finish or return from it alive. A journey I always tried to walk on but barely managed to make a few steps in before returning. A journey in the dark.

Yet at least I know that even if I fail and return,

I will come back stronger.

AlexiaTannerLCSW September 5th, 2016

@DestinyAuth0r your words of inner struggle are written in beautiful form! Thank you for sharing.../The "what if" struggle is real.... 16 years ago I went through this very same struggle changing from business to social this day I know that it was the best decision I ever made... I followed my own path (although the anxiety was real) and I trust that you will do the same! Sending Positive thoughts for you on this journey!!!

delphin September 5th, 2016


I find this to be an inspiring post. To see/hear you at the start of your journey. Taking big steps towards what you want to achieve, and being honest about your fears/uncertainties.

I can relate to the negative self-talk. Let's see if we can try and change some of those statements/questions around a bit:

"What if nobody will like my videos [...]" - I enjoy making videos, it makes me feel like I'm taking a step in the right direction

"Why bother writing that story, no one will read it." - I've always wanted to write a novel, if others read it, it'll be a bonus.

"Why try so hard to make your studies work, You barely manage anyways." - D's get degrees!

"Why try. Why do so much. You will fail." - If I don't try, I can't succeed.

I wish you luck and courage and strength during this journey. If you fall on your face, you can pick yourself back up when you're ready. You never know where you can end up if you never try.


bestVase7265 September 5th, 2016

That is a great post. You are following exactly what you should be following-your inner voice. None of us know what will happen any given day but we know that listening to that voice will keep us going in the right direction.@delphin

DestinyAuth0r OP September 5th, 2016

Thank you @delphin :)

AWorldofPeaceandHope September 13th, 2016


That's great you have many dreams and goals! This reminds me of something I read earlier,which I hope you don't mind me sharing.

Stop playing tug-of-war.

Letting go can be like a tug-of-war with life.

Have you ever played tug-of-war with a puppy and an old sock or a toy? He pulls. You pull it out of his mouth. He grabs hold again and shakes and shakes and says grrrrrr. The harder you tug, the harder the puppy tugs. Finally, you just let go. Then he comes right back again for more.

I have never successfully treated or solved one problem in my life by obsessing or controlling. I've yet to accomplish anything by worrying. And manipulation has not wrought one successful outcome. But I forget that from time to time.

The best possible outcomes happen when I let go. That doesn't mean I always get my way. But things work out and, ultimately, the lesson becomes clear. If we want to play tug-of-war, we can, but it's not an efficient problem-solving skill.

What do you think of this article? Do you find it hepful?

dreamingSunshine September 13th, 2016


I can relate to you, it feels so awkward when we are about to begin something great but are stopped by tons of anxiety attacks. My brain always plays those tricks on me frequently. Everything I do feels hopeless to me. But I realized finally thats what my mind is projecting, which is not the truth at all. The brain fears the unknown and hence labels it as bad and risky. So I just needed to stop agreeing to everything my brain told me.

I learned one trick which I would like to share with you which has helped me quite well. First I decide what is right to do, then I infuse passion with it. I follow the plan passionately. I do the necessary things passionately. If negative thoughts come I refuse to look at them, instead I revel in my passion and the great results of my efforts and continue doing what I decided.

Hasn't failed me till now. Wish you all the happiness, peace, prosperity and success. May you have a great day tomorrow.