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Suffering from family abuse and financial troubles

bubbleMaple880 April 5th, 2021

I’m suffering From family abuse and financial troubles. I can’t get out of the house and i don’t have money to support myself . I just want someone to talk to because I can’t get out of their toxic manipulative nature. All they do is argue

knishinai13 April 5th, 2021

Hii dear... First of all don't worry. There is always solution for every problem that's why problem are meant to be. U can chat with me because I can relate to u totally. Stay safe

bubbleMaple880 OP April 17th, 2021

Thx dear

Malarkey1994 April 6th, 2021

Can totally relate. It must be real stressful with all the crisis. Going out in the world is not a bad thing per say. It's actually very gutsy. But you gotta be bold and strong out there which I believe you are. Just wanna say try hanging on a little bit longer maybe things might get a bit better. Have you tried talking to your parents how toxic their behaviour can be? If not You can always talk to me. All love❤️