Severe Health Anxiety and Panic Attacks
I constantly live in fear that I am in a health crisis, which results in near daily very severe panic attacks. It prevents me from living a happy life, and I feel sad and frustrated. I secretly battle with this every single day.
I have a very specific health anxiety that makes me feel the same. I'm scared of being alone forever. I don't know what to say to help you I'm afraid. But I do know you're not alone and you can do this. Writing your above message is the first step
I’m so glad you came here for support! You are not alone! I totally understand! Have you ever tried grounding exercises to help with your anxiety?
I had the same problem last month. Daily non stop panic attack at night. I was very scared. But I tried making peace with my anxiety. It's still there and I'm still in the process of healing. There are some setbacks that i'm experiecing but I know I'm on the right track. Try using the DARE approach, google it and download the app if you want. It's free and it really helps me. It's super scary at first but overtime, it helps me. I havent had any panic attack in 2 weeks.
You have just described my daily life. I’m so tired of feeling like there is something wrong with my health. I’m afraid I’m even giving myself psychosomatic symptoms of various health disorders. The problem is that I’ve also developed a bit of a fear of doctors. I’m afraid to make appointments and find out that something IS wrong with my health. And if there is something wrong, I’m afraid of that judgement about “why I didn’t come in sooner.” “How could I let it go on this long without seeing a doctor?” I battle with these thoughts daily and I experience the occasional panic attack as well. I think I’ve pushed these thoughts down for so long, but the stress of this insane year has made me consider my own mortality. I’m terrified of disease. I’m so sorry you are going through something similar. You aren’t alone.
I'm sorry. That sounds like a tough battle. Have you spoken to a doctor about how to address this? It cannot be easy to maintain 😞
I've had health anxiety since 1994 and I've lived in fear for this entire time. Over the past 2 years it has gotten progressively worse. People always tell me to trust the doctors and what they say, but I so hard