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Relationship worries

tealSailboat8133 April 22nd, 2022

I know it's so common to be in relationships, you see it all around you but at the same time, we also see relationships breaking down and just causing pain, so how do People feel brave enough to go into them or when one ends, how do we cope with the grief? When relationships get rocky, not even ending, then in such a situation, how do we say strong? How do you resist the fear that makes you believe that there will be good relationship or that there are good relationships? How do you stop being afraid of your future? I panic about things like this and I need your honest opinions, it would be highly appreciated.

tealSailboat8133 OP April 22nd, 2022

*that there won't be any good relationships or a happy future for you

Lifeonmars787 April 22nd, 2022

What I always say is that relationships are risky, love is conditional, and believing in unconditional love that can spare you the pain of a broken heart is simply unrealistic. Being brave is all about doing something, despite the fear of failure. In life we ​​have no certainties and this can be frightening, but what should frighten us the most is to give up living and experiencing for fear of suffering. We are social beings and building connections and relationships with others is wonderful, what we should do is enjoy what is there when it is there, with the knowledge that we can hurt or be hurt. Life goes on like this and it's not necessarily bad.

tealSailboat8133 OP April 22nd, 2022

Nice to hear this

tealSailboat8133 OP April 22nd, 2022

This actually helps, thank you