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KoudachaK May 14th, 2020

Has anyone here tried paroxetine? I'd like to know if any of you had a similar experience.

First let me say my anxiety used to be mild. I could handle it 95% if the time but I had tummy issues cause of it. So my doc put me on paroxetine. Told me it was mild & no bad side effects.

After just one dose i felt wobbly and like my legs were hard to move. My eyes were dilated and had like... drunk vision? Dry mouth... but mostly.. I had this electric wave come over me in waves. It went down my spine into my limbs. The feeling was so jarring and intense. It was horrifying. Needless to say... my mom called the ambulance and they rushed me to the hosptial. They made sure my heart and breathing was fine but then sent me on my way. Told me it was the meds and I'd be ok.

Im feeling really uneasy about it. My doc said it was a wild reaction but the doc at the hospital described paroxetine as "hell" and "extremely strong". I got a new doc since then cause I didn't trust the old one anymore. The new doc seemed horrified they tried paroxetine for someone like me. She seconded that paroxetine was "hell" and she never once even gave it to any of her patients.

Anyway, since that experience I've been in a constant panic worrying about death. I've had moments of hypochondria before but now it feels worse, probably cause I felt like I was dying and I'd never been in an ambulance before... I'd felt nearly invincible until that happened. Now I feel unsafe. Can anyone relate?

JennMarie2 May 15th, 2020


While I have never been on that med before, I can certainly understand and appreciate why you would have an uneasy feeling now because of the reaction that you had to the med! All meds can impact people differently and some people experience side effects that aren't even listed as side effects. I certainly understand how scary it must have been, and continues to be for you!

faithlove1111 May 19th, 2020

@KoudachaK, Glad to hear you got medical attention . Some Medications are capable of triggering off various reactions and it can be a scary experience. Speak to your present doctor and understand the possible(pros and cons )effects of your medications . That is a good way to prepare yourself and reduce apprehension.