One wish I have for the future is....
To finally be happy.
To be satisfied with myself without approval of others
That my military boyfriend proposes to me on his leave(he's coming to see me) before he leaves for deployment. He's on and off hinted at it and his mother asked three days ago if I would ever marry him. I told her yes.
@passionateBeing6922 what happened? Don't keep us in the dark?!!! :)
He didn't propose.....
He plain out told me we were getting married when he got shore duty. He didn't ask, just told me it was happening.
Die dooner to feel less pain
To find the purpose of it all.
To heal my skin and be normal looking woman again, being able to make myself beautiful and decorated
To find a nonjudgmental counselor who directs me on the right path and makes me feel comfortable.
To accomplish my dream
To not feel alone and lonely. To feel in control of my depression and not struggle with anxiety.
To die to stop feeling the pain