One wish I have for the future is....
that i am able to make my career the best thing in my independent and free every possible aspect...i want my future to be truly happy
One wish I have for the future is to just live a life like any other average person, without anxiety.
I just want the pain to go away, I have been having this for several years and it still hasn't gone.
No doctor has provided support to me and the suicidal thoughts is starting to make it's way through into my brain.
A way to make peace with death.
To be able to proudly show who I truly am - without the feeling that I will be shunned or ostracized for it.
Live in a house that im buying with my kids.
Quit procrastinating and get my life in order.
To have people in my life who I can trust and who love me.
That my career will be successful and one day I wont have to worry about money.
My wish for the future is to get a new job that is fulfilling and fun and intellectually stimulating. Once I have that, the rest will begin to fall into place. My own place to live, moving away from this area, lower stress, enjoying what I do, having the money I need to really take care of my health.
@equivalentflounder hey, I hope you get the new job and i also hope that things fall into place.. sometimes you know that its going to be alright once so and so happens but you cant always wait and so always remember that the environment doesnt control your thinking, your thinking controls the environment .. also, take little steps and take care of your health. All the best! :)
@equivalentflounder What kind of job are you looking for? I hope you don't mind I ask.
That people understand the meaning of education and can learn how to educate themselves about things that only they can learn on their own, and that they can imagine and be creative and not just accept knowledge they are given but seek for more deeper truths.