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Okay, a new day, but same worries.

tealCurrent9178 January 19th, 2022

I feel all my worries when I hear people talk about their job in the same field I work in. I immediately feel I want to run away. But I tell myself, I need a job. Wish I could stay home. I realize I have social anxiety, adjustment anxiety, fear of judgment and fear of losing my family due to covid. I can do this I repeat to myself sometimes it works.

halcyonCloud2036 January 19th, 2022


Not only you can do, but you ARE doing it! Be proud of what you are doing and never doubt yourself. You are strong and you got this!

tealCurrent9178 OP January 19th, 2022

@halcyonCloud2036, Thanks for the encouragement. 🙂

Jonathan9 January 29th, 2022

Hi @tealCurrent9178 thanks for sharing this. I understand your feelings. Jobs can get quite stressful especially if we start comparing with others. Despite the difficulties of dealing with all this, I think its great that you are knowledgeable about what you are going through. I encourage you to stay strong throughout these times and try to keep positive although it can be hard. Repeating phrases like “I can do this” can be helpful and provide motivation and a boost of confidence no matter how small, and even when you don’t feel like its working, staying positive is important.

WarmLightXO January 29th, 2022


Hi friend 😊

Thanks for sharing this with us ❤ That sounds really hard, all that anxiety that you can logically place but emotionally it just takes over. I hear you. I truly hope your pain eases soon.

Sending warmth 💜🌿

tealCurrent9178 OP January 30th, 2022



tealCurrent9178 OP February 17th, 2022

I am still having same worries. I am not wanting to do a job at a school. I feel this way about every job. People do not have a good impression of me. I know god says be happy for others, but it is hard when working around others. I am scared of everything. I try every day. Hope your day is better.

anonyLemon4233 February 17th, 2022

@tealCurrent9178 that cannot be easy :(

Are you sure about what people think of you? Or is it something your mind is telling you?

You are courageous to get to work while feeling this way,

Do you have some type of employee support services you can turn to?

tealCurrent9178 OP February 18th, 2022

It is parof t both. Today I heard someone say you might want to be careful what you say becausee she can hear you (meaning me). I know it is both.

Thanks, for saying I am courageous. This is how I feel most days. Since I have no friends at work. I am an introvert. They talk about how things will happen and I have no clue about job changes. It scares me. I have no clue about things it scares me. I know it is mostly me. But I wish I had friends for support.

Thanks for caring.

anonyLemon4233 February 18th, 2022

@tealCurrent9178 it sounds like your work place lacks a supportive environment. Does your manager know about your health or you prefer not to disclose?

I think you also have a right to ask to be informed by email if not verbally about upcoming changes.

As to friendship I think you have some friends here :)

But I understand the struggle.

I can imagine it's difficult with social anxiety but did you ever try joining a support group in your area or volunteer in weekend if you have the energy? I used to find volunteering with animals helped as they are non judgemental and at same time met some caring people.

At moment I am trying out online support group where you can keep camera off if you prefer.

I hope you have support of a therapist or Listener in the meantime.

Wishing you well and that lovely yellow flower shows your resilience even when you feel you are standing alone. But you are never alone

tealCurrent9178 OP February 20th, 2022

@anonyLemon4233 thanks hope all the best for you as well!