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Not feeling too well today

User Profile: Smily1225
Smily1225 August 18th, 2021

Today I was on Instagram scrolling through posts and I saw one that was from a channel that helps teach Japanese. I had been following the channel. I watched the latest video and the caption was something like "Comment if you know more particles!" It's part of Japanese grammar, and I commented with three other particles and their meanings, however the OP misinterpreted one of my comments and immediately sent me a message telling me to be more kind and that I could just unfollow. I explained to her that I had only done what it said in the caption. I think she did not understand my English from the way I stated the meaning of one of the particles, or she felt intimiated because I was trying to be helpful. She said she did not appreciate my tone. She deleted my comments from the post and blocked me. I thought this was totally uncalled for and rude. I even tried to post an apology comment and I sent her an apology message but my comment was blocked and she did not read my message.

I am a naturally caring, compasionate and inquisitive person. I never try to be mean to people and I am never intentionally rude to people. It makes me really upset when people misinterpret my actions and it makes it even worse when they refuse to talk to me about it or listen to what I have to say. I felt very unwelcomed, unimportant and unheard today by this lady. I know it shouldn't matter because she is a stranger to me, but it's really been bothering me today. I wanted to leave this here to get it out of me because I don't like the amount of distress it has caused me. If you have read up until now, thank you for caring!! I hope you are having better experiences today than that! blushheart

User Profile: easyTown5832
easyTown5832 August 18th, 2021

I am also a person who has spent time learning Japanese, sorry you experienced that! Don't let it discourage you from participating in JP related posts/forumns.

User Profile: gentleSail2728
gentleSail2728 August 19th, 2021

It's not your fault. You tried to explain what you were commenting, but she didn't listen to you.

@Smily1225 I'm new here but I wanted to reply that your post resonated with me. I too had a very similar thing happen to me today posting on a business support forum. (i dont post online often as I try to keep to myself). I make every effort to be pleasant and not rude and follow the rules but then a good portion of the replies to me were reaching to misconstrue my post. Called me rude and that my problem was not valid. I felt diminished and completely misunderstood. And I too was bothered by by how much this distressed and shook me even knowing that these are strangers on the internet. Honestly I felt like a snail that quickly regretted leaving my shell. I hope you feel better, as your story made me feel less alone in my own situation! :)

1 reply
User Profile: Smily1225
Smily1225 OP August 19th, 2021


Yeah I'm glad you were able to relate! It's hard because the internet is so prominent now in both work life and personal life. I strongly dislike conflict and work conflict is especially difficult because we are supposed to remain professional. Some people don't think about how their comments will affect others in the same way that we do. I hope you are better today as well! This is an ongoing process for me and I also feel less alone heresmiley

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