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New country, break up, self questioning and anxiety

jlemospt January 20th, 2020

I have moved to a new country because of a relationship, and also because I wasn't in a nice position in my own country. After 4 months my girlfriend broke up with me. I'm still adjusting here and don't know a lot of people. Feel lonely a lot. It's just a difficult situation all together and on top of everything she is now dating a guy that lives in the bedroom over mine. So it's also hard to avoid the whole situation.
I'm having problems eating and sleeping. I'm forcing myself to eat, but sometimes it's just hard. In sleep I can't never make more than 5 hours per night and mostly have problems falling asleep and waking up to early.

tidyBeing55 January 21st, 2020

@jlemospt Ive been in an international relationship in another country and it can be so isolating when its going bad, or you break up. So I understand and my heart goes out to you!! I dont know where youre from or what country youre in, but my suggestion is to find work if youre able to, even under the table. Im living abroad now and was feeling pretty isolated for awhile, but I found a job where allot of people speak English and now I feel a lot less isolated and much happier. If youre able, look into going to school, or taking some classes (sometimes If you email teachers you can even just sit in on their classes!). Something else I did was look into meetup groups- I joined one for meditation. It helps just to start building a community around you, but it can be hard. Feel free to contact me if you want more advice! Ive been living abroad for 4 years now. All the best to you, it can and will get better. Just try to stay active, keep your mind away from that girl as much as possible, though I know its hard!

cutemuffin19 January 21st, 2020

@jlemospt I've never been in a real relationship, let alone one where I'd travel countries for that person. However, one thing I am familiar with is heartbreak. It sounds like you're really going through it and the only thing that will make it better is to feel it. By how you're describing it, you seem really beat up and with all the reason in the world. I suggest that you find an outlet. However you're feeling, you need to find a healthy way to unleash it, whether through fitness and sport, or maybe an artistic outlet. Anything to help you work through your emotions. Also, talk to someone about it. Other people who aren't emotionally invested have a much clearer perspective on what was your relationship, than you might have. Once you get perspective you will be able to move forward, instead of getting stuck on the whys and the could've-beens. Lastly, since you're literaly in unfamiliar territory, I'd recommend going back to something comfortable and familiar. It doesn't have to be your home town or country and you don't have to move if you don't want to. However, it seems like being near her and away from what's familiar to you, is having a negative effect. Try to look at the root problem and figure out if you being there is having a positive or negative impact in your life. Best of luck!