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Memory issues

limeWater2580 April 21st, 2020

Hi! So Ive noticed that my ability to retain memory has been severely reduced, so much that it scares me. It used to be that i didn't recall the specific event, but i knew in my brain that i actually did it. However recently, (being over 6 months) i have had horrible memory. I literally have no recollection of doing things like taking my meds, feeding my dog, eating breakfast, etc. I've tried to do things to help alleviate it like sticking to a strict consecutive schedule (eat, then feed the dog, then take her on a walk) so that i know that if I've done one thing then i consequently have done another. Im less than 20 btw, so it's definitely not normal for my age. I feel like I'm losing my mind and I've cried more times than what is normal because I've been so frustrated with myself. Does anyone have any tips or goes through the same thing?

JennMarie2 April 21st, 2020


Hello and thank you so much for reaching out to us!

I'm so sorry to hear about your memory loss problem. With some mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression, that is a symptom that can accompany them, although it is usually rare. Part of it could also be due to the extenuating circumstances that we find ourselves in today with the quarantine and lock down. I think it is definitely worth mentioning to your primary doctor so that they are aware and can conduct the necessary tests, as they would certainly know what the best course of action is.

I hope this helps and if you need anything my inbox is always open to you!

Be well and take care,

Jenn Marie

limeWater2580 OP April 22nd, 2020


Thank you for your insight! I'm glad to know it is at least known, if not all that common. I plan on talking to my PCP about it, but I have to wait a while because I am unable to go on my own yet and my parents think it's just me acting out for attention (its not the first time they thought that) so hopefully I can hold up and not drive myself crazy!

JennMarie2 April 22nd, 2020


I think that speaking with your PCP is a great plan! Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything further!

Take Care,

Jenn Marie