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I worry too much about the future.

ZenQueen January 23rd, 2020

I'm a 24 year old law student, I just recently started an interior decorating business and I feel like it's going to fail. I worry too much about the future and I fear failing. Also, social media has made me feel like my life is moving too fast and I feel like I'm ageing

thoughtfulmomma January 23rd, 2020


Congrats on starting a business! That's an amazing and vrey brave thing to do. And it IS scary. (I started my own business years ago - terrifying!!!) Don't worry about failing or succeeding. Worry about getting clients and doing amazing work for them. :)

When anyone starts a business, there is a ton of fear involved about failure. I can't tell you how many conversations I had with myself. "I can't do this. Everyone else is better at this than me. I should just quit and go back to a regular office job. It's easier and safer." And there are days that are completely dismal. Heck, most of 2019 was an awful year for my business. But you ride it out. (And 2020 has completely turned around.) The longer you do it, the more experience you'll get. The more you'll understand what your clients want. The more you'll understand the slow times and what you can do during them instead of panicking that you don't have clients.

As for social media - why do you feel like it's ageing you or making life go by faster?

ZenQueen OP January 23rd, 2020

@thoughtfulmomma thanks for your advice it means a lot especially for the fact that I'm not close to anyone who gives me business advice, well about social media I feel like whenever I go online especially Instagram, it seems everyone is living their best life without worries etc. and they post accomplishments etc. on a daily meanwhile there's me who's just behind the phone almost the whole day watching other people live their lives

Gujon3073 January 23rd, 2020

@ZenQueen u own your own business in your 20s. When theyre in the 40s threating over their pension and security and youve made your millions. Whos worrying then. Work hard and play hard. Credit to you and hope it succeeds.

Gujon3073 January 23rd, 2020

@ZenQueen sorry btw you have every right to be worried. But just remember the grass is not always greener. Enjoy the profits of your empire. Hope it helps.

thoughtfulmomma January 24th, 2020


Social Media is like watching TV or reading magazines. Those pictures portray an unrealistic ideal. They're rehearsed. Made up. Staged. They want you to see what they want you to see. It doesn't necessarily reflect the truth.

This is a good article that shows before and after pics and how easy it is to "transform" and show only what you want people to see.

Zulegirl January 23rd, 2020


Just take it day by day! thats what helped me when I started my own Horse Clinic

rockym January 24th, 2020


It is hard for anyone, especially someone as young as you, to live in the present. I spent so many years planning for the future, stressing about what would happen next and what I could or couldn't accomplish. The problem was that no matter how much planning I did, the future would arrive however it wanted to. It's important to look forward, but know that you cannot control what happens next. It took me years and years to realize I could guide my life, but not control it.

I think it's great to have a plan and work towards that, but also realize that things change and are beyond our control. And as for the social media you mention... it's so much bull I can't even begin. My 21 year old son decided long ago to stay away from insta, snap, Facebook, etc. He uses Linkin for business and that is as close to real life. My daughter at 17 has been all over social media and shows me the kids who are the more lonely, drug using and unhappy are the ones posting these images that show NOTHING of who they really are.

A lot of my worries subsided when I realized that my life was just going to unfold the way it wanted to and the only thing I could do was to try my best to do what was right. I wish for you the same.