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Is my anxiety/depression severe or not

azra1607 June 3rd, 2020

Hi, so ive been really unsure about my condition lately and i dont know if its bad enough to consult a therapist because it will be expensive, and my parents also have their own struggles. I dont want to burden them. I cant seem to love myself at all these days, and everytime i think of something that made me happy i just remember the things I did wrong, and the things i regret. Im not interested in the things i used to love as much as before, and i cry really easily. Its not always like this though. There are times i feel normal, but there are also times when i just feel absolutely devastated, how i hate my existence, my personality, my mannerisms, my voice, the way i talk, everything. In Islam, its not good to hate yourself but i cant seem to love myself at all. Im scared to ask my parents for help because ive tried before but it seems they dont really understand.

itsrory June 4th, 2020

@azra1607 unfortunately, there's not really a predetermined level of severity that determines when someone should seek help. It's all relative, especially in psychological stuff like this. A lot professionals determine the "level" of someone's struggle based on how it impacts their functioning in society--problem with that is some people can be struggling hard as ever and still make it to their job, while others may be hit with a minor mood swing and end up having lots of trouble because they're just not used to it. Everyone and their environment and influences are all completely different, so the only baseline for comparison is what is normal to you and the amount of pain you know you're dealing with. As much as it sucks, it comes down to analyzing if you'll be able to continue helping yourself or if you need the help of a professional like a therapist. If your problem is big enough that you've noticed it and it's bothering you, it's a real problem (don't fall into a "but what if I'm faking it" or "but what if I'm not bad enough" spiral. those really suck from personal experience). I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling and I hope you can find a way to work through it whether it's through online resources or in person help. I can't really offer any advice on seeking help as I still have trouble with that myself. Hope this helped a little, and good luck with whatever you choose to do!

azra1607 OP June 5th, 2020

@itsrory thank you, I understand. I'll take your word into account and try figure someth out :)

JK8287 June 4th, 2020

@azra1607 If you contact me privately I can try to help you. Praying for you _/\_

azra1607 OP June 5th, 2020

@JDM108 thank you :)