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Is it ok to feel not okay?

Aashie April 7th, 2020

I don't know why I feel so down and moody today.

OldSerendipityBoat April 7th, 2020

@Aashie it comes out of the blue...😶 the blues...

Aashie OP April 8th, 2020

@OldSerendipityBoat so true.

ThisTooShallPass2016 April 7th, 2020


YES!!! This means you're human. Everyone hits a rough patch every now and then and the fact that it's happening now with all that's going on with COVID is to be expected. GIVE YOURSELF GRACE .... it is ok to not always be ok. The main thing is to monitor how long you're feeling like this. Extended periods could mean that a more serious issue is developing in which case you may want to speak with a therapist.

I'd begun feeling like this earlier in March and noticed that the root cause for me was that I was watching too much of the news and had become overwhelmed with all that I was hearing. When I changed my routine and only checked in once per day, my mood changed. Another thing that I try to do is to pay attention to what I am thinking about. THOUGHTS ARE POWERFUL. I try replacing bad thoughts as much as possible with good thoughts (this can be challenging but gets easier the more that you do it).

Again, give yourself grace, your body and mind may still be trying to process all that's going on.

Do you have any stress relieving activities that you practice indoors? Listening to meditation music and or practicing breathing exercise helps me. There a several mindfulness exercises here on 7 Cups that I find helpful. You can find them under your growth path.

I pray that things get better for you soon. Blessed wishes.

Aashie OP April 8th, 2020

@ThisTooShallPass2016 aww ... tysm for your kind words. This means a lot. Yeah, I'll definitely try doing these things :)

peacefulCreature18 April 7th, 2020

Im sorry you are having one of those down and moody days, definitely not alone especially during these challenging times. Hang in there. Yes, it can also be frustrating to not understand why specifically or what to do about it. Be patient with yourself in the time being.

Ive found that not making it wrong to be where you are when feeling down helpful too. We are human, and its normal to feel a wide range of emotions- there are no right or wrong ones.

Be loving towards yourself for feeling what you feel until it passes. And keep reaching out for support like you are already doing now. Take care

Aashie OP April 8th, 2020

@peacefulCreature18 Tysm for understanding. I feel so good already after reading what you have written. :)

Stoffel April 7th, 2020


It's totally okay! Nobody can be happy everyday. It's very valid to feel down or moody even if you don't know why.

Aashie OP April 8th, 2020

@Soe22 well said!