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I'm so exhausted in every single way.

KnotTheNorm July 18th, 2017

My heart breaks every day. I feel so stuck in my life. I used to love everything and find beauty in the darkest, ugliest places. This past year, however, has been so hard for me. I can't focus on anything, and I'm so afraid to move in any direction. I am incredibly grateful to have such a strong, loving support system, but it feels like a prison sometimes. I want to be able to support myself and feel independent for once, but I don't know how! I don't drive, can't find a job that won't sink me deeper into depression, and nothing that I used to enjoy seems to do anything for me anymore. I can't sleep, can't eat even though I'm hungry all the time, feel constantly sick to my stomach and have to use every ounce of will not to dry heave every morning. I have to force myself to stomach things just so that my body doesn't start breaking down. My best friend rarely hangs out with me or talks to me lately, and I can't stop obsessing that it has something to do with how sad and anxious I am all the time. I don't want to sabotage the only real connection I've ever had with anyone. I'm so lost and so afraid to talk to anyone. I really need help.

glowingshadows213 July 19th, 2017


Stop. Breathe. Focus.

1. First thing to do, right now is start a gratitude journal. Everyday write three things you like about yourself amd your life. If its too hard keeping a journal send them to me, I'll send three things back you 😊


glowingshadows213 July 19th, 2017


sorry my phone was messing up.. continuing here

2. I was where you are right now. I was tired, exhausted and worse. I wont't go into detail but I had a really really hard year of going down. Then an even harder year of coming back up. However I did it. I didn't do it alone, no one is meant to survive alone. I had help, dont be afraid to ask for some yourself. The first step is saying the words "I need help" not every experience is gonna be good but keep saying it, eventually its gonna be easier. The quicker you ask for help the quicker you pull yourself together too. We break apart alone, we are put together with help.

3 Talk to your bestfriend. Talk to your loved ones. Tell them what you're going through. Tell them you're going to need them even more now for support. If they truly love you they'll understand, if they don't It doesnt sat anything about you, it is a reflection of the people around you

Finally, take it on day at a time. One hour at a time. Put small goals in front of you and reward yourself for them. "I will get out of bed today" "hurray! I did it, I'm awesome for getting out of bed even when im feeling low"

Take care! PM me if you ever need to talk!

Devin000 July 19th, 2017


Hey there, it really sounds like you have a lot on your plate and I am sorry for all the distress and depression you have been going through in your life recently. It definitely is a tough period, maybe even a phase. I am glad to know you were once happy and optimistic. Right now, to make you feel better you should talk to someone. Letting others know of your problems usually is the first step to solving it.

If you would like to contact a listener,

If you would like to contact me personally, leave me a message. Although I may not respond immediately like the listeners on Browse Listeners.

Best wishes,


brightCake3223 July 19th, 2017


Hey Knot :) I hope you can find the strength to talk to someone about your experience. Sharing it and having someone listen to the pain and anxiety you are experiencing can help a lot. In my experience, talking with different people about my thoughts and feelings helped put them in perspective. It helped me understand that though my distress is valid, it can look very different from different angles and that can generate some peace for yourself that you're not completely stuck.

You have this great community to reach out to, hope you start to feel better soon!