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How I feel right now

KazzieKat January 15th, 2016

I'm feel like I'm about to have a meltdown. I seem to worry about so much - work, my child, tricky relationship, paying the bills, family, missing someone important to me. I feel like my chest is being squeezed and I can't breathe. I have palpitations again. My head hurts so much, I have to act like everything's ok and it's so tiring. My health problem is flaring up again but I know there is no treatment, which is so depressing. I want to sit in a corner and cry. I can't leave work, I won't get paid and I can't afford it. My fingers are bleeding where I pick at them. I tried to start a chat with a listener, but then panicked about it. There isn't anyone for me to confide in, this is all I can do.


professionalPerspective60 January 15th, 2016

Hello there @KazzieKat

Oh gosh dear, you certainly do have a lot on your plate and I an absolutely relate to everything you are saying in your post, to have so many separate issues arising all at once can be very overwhelming to the point where you want to run, but let me tell you something, by you being here today, sharing your feelings here in the forums today, show me that your are considerably stronger than you think you are. It proves to me that you are not a runner, in fact you are just seeking a little support to indeed find your inner strength which you clearly have, it's just lost within right now, but you can find it, I have faith In you.

Sometimes life throws in some curve balls to see what we are made of, even thought they may cause, pain, heartache and sadness they are there for a reason, and usually that reason is to make us strong individuals for the future.

You remind me of myself last year, when I thought everything was against me, I fought and fought and never gave up, i see this in you to, I can see you have reached the point where enough is enough and something is about to change! You are about to take control back! And you can, just believe you can and you will

Please feel free to send me a message if you are comfortable, I feel your nerves hun, and this is really okay, it can be quite scary talking to someone new about sensitive issues, but I promise,you will be in safe hands!, I'd more more than happy to offer you a little support ๐Ÿ™‚

Please take care and be easy on yourself

KazzieKat OP January 15th, 2016


Thank you, I really appreciate your reply. I know, rationally, that it's not all bad and that other people have been through similar, and much worse, situations. Sometimes it just feels like I'm the only one and I'm completely trapped. I will message you, thank you for that too.

professionalPerspective60 January 15th, 2016


Hey, listen it doesn't matter what other people are going through, there troubles and struggles are there's, your have your own to content with, it doesn't make your issues any less insignificant than the next persons. We all need a little help every now and again. So don't beat yourself up about it, you deserve to get support as much as the next person regardless of the situation, okay.....

And I'm thrilled you have decided to talk this over a little more through pms ๐Ÿ™‚ let's set a time hey!