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Feeling like a failure because of my past, makes me anxious of the future.

calmWatermelon413 June 11th, 2022

I feel that I have one duty in life, to care for my mother. But I didn't study hard and work hard, and played too hard. So now, at 40, I only have a little bit of money left, and I feel that I am in a dead end job with no skills, and most likely I won't be able to do my job in 5 or 10 years because of how physically intensive it is.

So I need to pivot now to some other job, but with no skills is difficult. So i need to develop a skill, but I am not smart, so I don't know what I can pick up. And I need to figure it out soon and develop the skill before I am 45, before it is too late and un-hireable (my country has serious ageism problem).

I feel like I am a massive screw up.

juliak1968 June 11th, 2022



Sounds like you want to reinvent yourself and its great you are realizing this early enough to make a difference. You can sell things online via drop shipping, it is where you sell items that other stores carry so you don't need an inventory. I had to reinvent myself back in 2003 and I did it whilst having surgeries. I think you are smarter than you know. You can do this!
Blessings, Day

calmWatermelon413 OP June 11th, 2022

@juliak1968 Thank you, you are very kind to say that. I will look into drop shipping.

juliak1968 June 11th, 2022

Your welcome - Don't let yourself feel so overwhelmed my friend!~

optimisticBeing8780 June 11th, 2022

Hi, Calm:

I admire you for stepping up to care for your mother. It sounds like you are a kind and good daughter. You are a strong person who deserves good things. Don't beat yourself up about your past too much. We can't fix the past. It is great to recognize you may need to pivot to improve your future prospects.

calmWatermelon413 OP June 11th, 2022


Thank you for your kind words (I am a son though, but no big deal).

searchingformi June 13th, 2022


Hi, looks like you feel similar way as me. I feel I wasted my life, did not make hay when the sun shines..Now feeling the consequences... Fucked up, feel worthless. Guilty.

But same time, I realized, a day has 24 hours, an hour 60 min ..

It is never too late. And right now, I am fucking up the future by worrying.

Act now, with new hope. Start Today with whatever you have. You have a small canvas to paint. So paint beautifully.

It is never too late.

Accept the truth - half job is done. Next half is to do positive work, no worry