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Death Anxiety

Mruncomofortable September 19th, 2022

I fear that i wont wake up tomorrow

I fear that i will die in an accident

I fear that i will get shot

I fear that whenever im walking down the street something will fall on me and be my death

I fear i die from a disease because whenever i feel that something in my body hurts that i will get a disease and die

I fear that others around me will die

And if i do infact leave this world whats gonna happen next? Whats gonna be my fate? Did i do right? Im i going to heaven or hell?

How can i cope with this? I really could use an advice by now

Considering now that we live in a world that nothing is safe i pray that my turn wont be next

Mruncomofortable OP September 19th, 2022

Im sorry for your lose, and i hope you all the best for this reply, it made me realise i'm not the only one suffering from this kind of thing.

pavi301 September 19th, 2022

Im really sorry about lost.

That has to hit really hard but i hope you are doing okay today.

Acheloisthehealer20 September 19th, 2022

I know exactly what that feels like. The feeling creeps me out every now and then. Hugs to you. My slightly optimistic side pushes me to do some good things in life . Maybe it's a part of me wanting to leave something behind. A memory or presence in someone or to give myself peace. When I thought more about death,it actually made me live my life. Everyone can breathe,but learning to live is different.

Mruncomofortable OP September 19th, 2022

Thank you for the reply, the reply somehow gave me purpose, to leave something good behind that people remember me with, i need to realise that i cant skip death and when i do i will hopefully feel better. But already seeing this support from atleast a small portion of people makes me feel different....its probably because im sharing what im going threw, again thank you.

sensitiveLake420 July 13th

SAME WITH ME DEAR!!!!!😭😔......i have fear of death do God really exist? what if i die or my family member die do really soul exist we we reborn or not ....PLEASE HELP ME 🙏😭😨 ....I'm very afraid 😟

LovelyForever6990 September 11th


I’m really sorry to hear that you’re feeling this way. I know that it is incredibly tough to deal with such thoughts and anxiety. You’re not alone in this. Many people experience intrusive thoughts. Worrying about death (like you said) in today's world where nothing seems safe anymore is completely understandable. Worrying about the people around you, possibly people you love can be just as, if not more disturbing. It’s okay to talk about it. It’s important to remember that thoughts don’t define reality. Just because you’re thinking something doesn’t mean it will happen. Sometimes grounding techniques can help manage anxiety. Have you tried deep breathing or mindfulness exercises? Taking care of yourself and engaging in activities that you enjoy or Something that your good at can be really beneficial. Whether it's through exercise, hobbies, or just relaxing. You have so many people here at 7 cups for you, and we care about your well-being and want to provide a supportive environment that can help you feel less isolated.

Hans7cups Sunday


That anxiety can sometimes be the little devil on your shoulder, whispering 'what if...' all the time. I feel you. Trust me, you're not alone in this. What helps me a lot is to put a timeframe on my thoughts. The past cannot be changed (doesn't exist anymore at this moment) and the future can not be determined (does not exist yet at this moment). So I, for example, try to constrain my thoughts to today. What good has overworrying ever done? 

Zolly Sunday


You can immediately take advantage of the fact that we live in a world where you can freely choose your thoughts or feelings. Often easier said than done, but it can be done.


Suppose a stranger tells you that he fears that his car will be stolen. When you hear this statement, you won’t worry, because you won’t be affected, even if his fear comes true. Your mind evaluates within milliseconds that what the stranger told you is not a danger to you, so there is nothing to be afraid of.


You also have to realize that what the stranger told you is just an assumption. He has the right to assume all sorts of negative things. Your mind might say, “I don’t buy into it, because there is no point in being uncomfortable with this person’s thoughts.”


Of course, we live in a world where the future is uncertain. Please note that the future was not certain 100 years ago, and the future won’t be certain 100 years from now either. Fortunately, the word “future” is just an abstract concept. We always live in the present moment. So when you think of the future, you do it in the present moment. If  you think about positive things in the present moment, and give full attention to what you are doing, the chances of it coming true will increase.


The stranger has the fear that his car will be stolen. What advice can we give him? How can he minimize the chances of his car being stolen? In which case is the least likely that his car will be stolen? When he is currently thinking of ideas to prevent car theft and insuring his car and taking action, or when he is constantly worrying about it, without doing anything to reduce the chances of the negative outcome?


In order to maximize your chances of a positive outcome in any area of your life, you can think about with confidence how to do it right now. The good news is that when you think about something positive, you can’t think of something negative at the same time. I suggest you start thinking about the joyful things you will do when you wake up tomorrow. Even better, you can think about what joyful things you can do right now, and then act on them accordingly.


At the same time, you can be fully aware of what you  are doing and what is happening around you and to your loved ones. This way you maximize your chances of immersing yourself in a pleasurable activity, avoiding unwanted situations, and taking care of your loved ones will make them happier and more likely live longer.


Just focus on the present moment. I recommend you forget about what happens next, because you will realize that your life and fate always happens now. And if you pay more attention to what you think and do now, you can eventually be happy all the time. This will automatically take care of the past as well as the future from this point forward, which is of secondary importance.


The challenge is to change your thoughts, which in turn will change your emotions in a positive way. Don’t worry if a negative thought pops up into your head. It happens to anyone. Just notice it and tell yourself: “OK, this might be something to worry about. But I’m the boss, so instead of worrying, I decide to think of a solution or a positive idea, and immediately start implementing it.”


I hope you are closer to knowing how to cope with your situation.