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Bad anxiety to be around people

MusicalHipster March 17th, 2016

Hello. Look um i have a fear of being around people. Its impossible to open up and im scared to let people into my life. I keep my life a big secret and i push people away becuase i feel vulnerable... please help

TheLPSoldier March 17th, 2016

I do the same thing, and I've only just started to open up and share my true feelings to the people close to me IRL. It is hard to open up, especially if you've been holding something in for a long time. Something that always helps me is to write what I want to say, then give the person that note. Or, practice saying it in front of a mirror.

Joining a site like this is definitely a great first step towards opening up. I hope my tips help!

EtherealFeathers March 17th, 2016

You're not alone. Social anxiety can take over our social lives and it can really get in the way. It might take a while and a lot of determination to get over this feeling or even have control over it. What i do is, before i talk to someone or even attempt to start a conversation, i make sure i have my confidence levels up. I tell myself that it is possible and that all i need to do is connect to my thoughts and speak. Try to reassure yourself. This might take practise but you can do this. Start with youreself first, then move on to people you are a little comfotable talking to and build your confidence on as you go along. I believe in you c:

Cheeney March 17th, 2016

Hi. Social anxiety can be a cruel monster when not treated right. Have you considered, or have you already confided in someone close to you? Perhaps a family member or a close friend.
Truth be told, the best way to treat social anxiety is through therapy. It's also the hardest. You see, treatment for social anxiety involves doing exactly the things that make you anxious. By doing these things repeatedly you show your brain that there is nothing to be anxious about. If you want, I can give you more information. If you're not interested, that's fine too. Different things work for different people and I know therapy isn't for everyone. By the way, the self-help guide for social anxiety is pretty helpful. You can find it under My path > Self help guides.

MusicalHipster OP March 17th, 2016


MusicalHipster OP March 17th, 2016

@Cheeney oops for some reason the last on was a mis post, anyways um i would love some more information on how i can treat my social anxiety

Cheeney March 17th, 2016

@MusicalHipster Here is a little guide I wrote some time ago. Like I said, therapy is the best way to treat social anxiety. But you can do a lot of things yourself too and potentially you could even treat it on your own power. This is a useful worksheet for an exposure list. Basically, you think of some things that make you anxious, for example: going to the supermarket. You rank that with a number from 0-10, 0 being no anxiety whatsoever and 10 being extreme anxiety. You make a list like this, start doing the easy ones and work your way down. For me the first thing I did was asking random people for a lighter. Then when I did that a couple of times, I started asking people for directions. I did that numerous times too. Then I asked a group of people for directions, to make it harder. With time you'll get better at handling your anxiety and the situations will become less anxiety inducing. Don't be discouraged if it is difficult, because it should be. Just be proud of being brave enough to take steps towards recovery.