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Anxiety panic attacks affecting job

Amsharples March 6th, 2020

I'm a teacher and I have been having frequent panic attacks at work. I don't know why my anxiety has been so bad latley, this past year & currently I feel like I'm incapable and I feel like I don't have control over my body. It's getting to the point where if I have a meeting to go to I stress out for no good reason and by the time I get there my body goes into full panic mode. My job isn't the type of job where I can hide, I'm basically on a stage, and the fear that someone will see my panic attack seems to make it worse.

I'm seeking answers, what are some things that help a panic attack calm down in the moment? Any ideas?

thoughtfulmomma March 6th, 2020


When an attack comes on, have you noted what happens immediately before it happened? Once you identify what's triggering it, it becomes easier to address and alleviate. Of course, sometimes it seems like there is no trigger - it just happens. Those are frustrating!

When I have a panic attack out in public and can't hide anywhere until it's over, I have been teaching myself to stop, breathe, and ground myself. So, let's say I'm in the middle of the grocery store (where it happens to me a lot!) and an attack hits. I pause for a moment, hold onto my cart (I'll get dizzy sometimes), and take a few deep breaths. Then I make myself aware of everything going on around me. I focus and listen to all the sounds going on around me, I feel the grocery cart in my hands, I smell whatever smells are around (great in the bakery and produce areas!).

It's like stopping and really, really, really paying attention. After having done it for a while, what used to take a few minutes to get back to a calmer state now might just take 30 seconds (although I'll purposely stay focused and grounded for as long as possible). A lot of mindfulness exercises help.