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How common is anxiety disorder ?

benevolentDaisy52 March 24th, 2018

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older, or 18.1% of the population every year. Anxiety disorders are highly treatable, yet only 36.9% of those suffering receive treatment.

Pleasedontkys July 4th, 2019

@benevolentDaisy52 Hello! Anxiety disorders re very common and are diagnosed to you by a professional. If you feel like you might have one, go see a specialist and sort your needs out. Hope with helped! ❤

BrooklynM March 24th, 2018

Hey there @benevolentDaisy52!

Wow, this information certainly is eye opening! I had no idea that such a large percentage of people had anxiety disorders and only about a third choose to get help. I was wondering...what percentage of the people with anxiety also have another mental disorder? And how many people developed an anxiety disorder due to a past experience?

Thank you for sharing! smiley


woodsyfox March 30th, 2019

@BrooklynM Anxiety disorder is often comorbid or found in association with depression. During my diagnosis with anxiety, I was found to have a depressive overlay. Social anxiety disorder is also often found in association with the primary diagnosis of anxiety. One's past by virtue of genetics and environment can also predispose you towards the development of anxiety. For example, I had a narcissistic mother and was raised in an environment where only her feelings mattered; mine were discounted and repressed, and I paid the price for that in later life...

neatSail7596 September 28th, 2018

Have somebody tried to treat this desease with cbd? I've eard that it might help so now I am reading green roads cbd oil reviews, want to find out if such a treatment is suitable in my case or not. If you have any experience that might be helpful, share please, I'd be really glad for your help.

Steeve21 May 13th, 2019


Yeah, I have tried this product and I may say that for its price it is totally not good enough. I have found the best pot for me. Just have delivered few products and able to make a review. Really good and high-quality product for a good price, smelling well but the time of delivery is a bit long but anyway worth it.

brightSnow35 March 22nd, 2019

It is common and not very rare. It can be hard sometimes but we all can get through the hard times! :-)

ZeppelinsOverhead May 28th, 2019

I didn't realize the treatment numbers were so low, but I feel an attitude is emerging that will encourage more and better treatment of mental illness in the coming years. The numbers look bleak, but it is also comforting to know that so many others understand about the experience of anxiety (:

GreenHouse89 July 4th, 2019

Yes, modern therapy has become more effective. Although I doubt with some fashionable remedies)) I try to dump negative emotions in more traditional ways. For example, I start the morning with a contrast shower. Something like this option - Say it too easy? But few people try. In my arsenal: using essential oils (traditional), some yoga's asanas and the opportunity to speak out on the forum. This works.

judgmentfreezone July 4th, 2019

I struggled with anxiety for years. I would say that it's pretty common these days.

TheWakingTypo July 4th, 2019


WuzzyBuzzy November 27th, 2019

Unfortunately, it's being diagnosed more often. Hard to tell why. It can be because of either improving methods of diagnosis or it's a modern tendency which has an unknown basis. Thankfully, there are more ways to deal with it too. Some people vape special juices like here, some find hobbies. Some people take remedies. Today we can deal with this issue effectively.