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Arachnophobia-Fear of Spiders

sweetbutterfly93 January 25th, 2018

I am extreamly scared of spiders. They give me the creeps and if I see one I have to leave until someone can kill it for me. I can't stand pictures of spiders, and I hate videos of spiders. Even the children's song the Itsy Bitsy Spider gives me the creeps because I just imagine a spider crawling towards me. Ever since I was little, I can't stand that song. How to I overcome my arachnophobia?

Emily619 January 25th, 2018

That is a very realistic (and common) phobia! I know this seems scary, but actually facing your phobia is truly the best thing to do. For example, the next time you're in a pet store, ask if you can handle a tarantula to let it crawl on you. As you ease yourself into having experiences with spiders or similar creatures, the phobia will ease out smiley Good luck!

sweetbutterfly93 OP February 14th, 2018

@Emily619 That sounds like too much, I can't even look at a picture of a tarantula without getting scared.

Emily619 February 14th, 2018


Do you think easing yourself into it would help? Such as photos of small insects to start with, and build-up from there smiley

sweetbutterfly93 OP February 15th, 2018

@Emily619 yeah, I can handle insects

Booklover95 January 25th, 2018


Either slowly facing it yourself or seeking professional help. I know there are professionals who specialise in helping people overcome their phobias

Spiders is super normal so pretty sure with help you'll get over it easily :)

Best of luck!

sweetbutterfly93 OP January 27th, 2018

@Booklover95 One thing that I have tried doing is to look up cartoon drawings of spiders. I have also tried listening to the instermental of the itsy bitsy spider. That doesn't effect me to bad...

Booklover95 January 27th, 2018


That's great! Is a good start. Be proud of yourself and keep trying :)

professionalPerspective60 January 26th, 2018


Oh my gosh, I completely understand! Ive got to the ripe old age of 41 and still have to call a neighbour to remove one if my husband isn't around, what's worse, my 6.2ft 17 yr old son is also terrified.. ....probably due to my reactions when he was younger πŸ™ˆ soooooo having said that, if you can muster up the courage to face this fear before you get to my age, is absolutely the right thing to do. Jeez...... I can' even sit on the floor πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ

benevolentDaisy52 March 5th, 2018

I am also a bit scared of spiders surprise

sweetbutterfly93 OP March 9th, 2018

@benevolentDaisy52 but how do I get over my fear? I hate that I am this fearful of spiders.