3 really strange fears
I'm 16 and I am afraid of balloons, dating, and high ceilings. I did some research and found that the fear of balloons is globophobia and the fear of high ceilings is called altocelarophobia, but I have no idea what scares me about dating. I just want to see if anyone else here has these fears or knows how to cope with them. I know it's kind of weird, but I just wanted to know :)
Overflowing toilets, maize, huge ball...
i have a fear of flushing toilets without closing the lid first I wonder if our phobias are related at all
People coughing near me. Maggots. Going into deep water not knowing what's near me. 😧
I think that way sometimes see a large body of water. Even swimming pools...:(
Seaweed trapping someone...pulling someone under. 😣
I'm afraid of anything that imitates a living creature (wax figures/dummies), overpaying, and moths..
I'm scared of the dark, bugs, and mostly of all pain
Being left alone for a long time, eating in the dark (it always makes me feel like I'm going to throw up) and vomiting.
Omg eating in the dark. Yes I know the same feeling, I need to see the food or for all I know its filled with feces and maggots.
Commitment, my future, and i have a fear of public bathroom doors not locking and someone will walk in.
Ants, not being needed, wasting my life
18 years old & terrified of fish, the future & the general human population
Slugs, snails, thunder and lightning