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It's been awhile

ElyseMyers12368 August 22nd

I haven't been on here for about a year. I thought I was getting better, it felt like I was. But now I'm in high school, and I believe that anxiety from all those years ago came back. In certain social situations, my chest tightens, my face gets hot, and my body shakes like I haven't eaten in hours. I don't know what to do, it feels so awful. 

Clio9876 August 31st


HI there. Welcome back!. I'm sorry that your anxiety has come back. That does sound awful. I think these thing are a bit like waves, they come and go, and what we aim to do is help them become more widely spaced, so they come less often, and smaller, so they feel less bad when they come. But there's always that rogue wave, that big monster that comes along when you least expect it. And tries to drown you.

But you learnt how to swim before. Can you remember what worked for you before? What made you feel better? It might have just been chatting on this site, so by coming back, you might already be making progress towards feeling better. I hope so.

I know, it can be extremely frustrating and distressing to have things you thought you'd dealt with, come back. You might want to look up extinction bursts. Sometimes when things are getting better they have a moment of getting worse. So sometimes things appearing to get worse can be a good thing.

Best wishes.