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I feel so alone and stuck.

gentleCamp5235 February 7th

Hi Friends,

I'm new here. I suffer from agoraphobia and monophobia which gives me severe anxiety and panic attacks. I have trouble doing almost anything. The last time I had this problem was in 2018, I went into an Intensive Outpatient Program which worked well for me. I was good since this past summer. I still received regular therapy sessions and I was on SSRIs. The last couple of months my fears have come back, and I am really struggling. I can barely drive to the store and had to cancel multiple trips with friends and for work. I just feel really alone, and my hope is to connect with others here. It would be good to connect with others dealing with similar problems as me.

Thank you.

ASilentObserver February 8th

@gentleCamp5235 Welcome to 7cups, Camp. I am Obs and glad to have you here with us. I am so sorry to hear you are struggling with anxiety and agoraphobia again. It is difficult and isolating. I am glad you reached out - please know you're not alone. We are all here with you to listen to and to support. What are your main concerns or triggers right now? 

gentleCamp5235 OP February 12th

@ASilentObserver it seems my triggers are when I'm home alone, in the car driving by myself, away from my safe people, or away from my home. I just feel helpless.

ASilentObserver February 15th

@gentleCamp5235 It sounds like being alone triggers your anxiety. You are not alone in feeling this way - many people struggle with anxiety when they are by themselves. Please know we are all here with you.  What thoughts go through your mind when you're feeling most anxious?

oliveKite9663 February 16th

the key is… you don’t afraid of certain places. It’s not the case. You are afraid of your panic attacts and you are waiting for them to appear. Instead of running from anxiety, fighting with it, we can accept it and live our life despite the fact we are anxious or if we are afraid of feeling anxious

gentleCamp5235 OP February 16th

You are so right about that Kite. I am aware that I don’t help my case when fighting it or thinking about my next panic attack, but at the same time, I can’t stop worrying about it either. My fear is having a panic attack when I’m by myself. It’s the worst feeling.