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Yo buddies ❤️

May I ask, what is happiness for you guys? Or what are things that make you guys happy??

For me ,umm it may sound weird but I'm still figuring out what makes my heart fully happy 😊.

User Profile: semisoupynoodle
semisoupynoodle April 5th

@compassionateCurrent3414 sounds really basic but food makes me really happy ahaha. something warm comforting and tasty instantly uplifts my mood.

1 reply

Sounds peaceful 😄

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User Profile: unforgetwble
unforgetwble April 5th

sadly I don't know the answer of this question. Idk why but I can't think of something that makes me happy ð¥º

1 reply

Same here , don't worry just try new things every day, maybe someday you'll figure it out 😄

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User Profile: SoulSun808
SoulSun808 April 6th

@compassionateCurrent3414 Everyone has different things that make them happy and even if you dont know the answer to your question, you'll figure it out. That can also be different things every time, who says that there must be this ONE thing, that makes you happy all tht time?

So eg. today the sunshine makes me happy even yesterday it didn't. So don't worry if you're still figuering it out because it can change over time. That's normal and I think there are a lot of people, that feel this way ^^ 😘

1 reply

Awww, you are so sweet ð¥°.

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User Profile: OhLookItsRay
OhLookItsRay August 19th

Happiness, I don't know completely. I know when I feel at peace, and that, to me, is my favorite feeling. I suppose peace is my happiness.

I feel peace when I connect with nature, when I feel connected to the world around me, connected to others. I feel peace when I think about my loved ones, and knowing I am loved. I feel peace when I practice gratitude, even when I ain't feelin' it to begin with.

I feel happy when I see others happy a lot of the time. I feel happy when I think about my friend completing a quilting project. When I think about how hard another friend works to care for her children, and how much they're loved.

User Profile: PeacefulSunshine75
PeacefulSunshine75 August 19th

I come to realize in my life it is the small things that make me happy. Waking up and grabbing my first cup of coffee, turning on the radio hearing my favorite song playing. The word happy makes it sound like you have to be in a good mood, that you have to be uplifted. So many self-help gurus have turned the word happy into something that you have to be.

I like to use the word Joy, what brings you Joy in life?

For me it's the small things because I have a lot more small things happen to me in life than big things.