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Worries about politics and the world TW: Politics and Personal Ideas

ChickensandHotCocoa February 22nd, 2023

Hello I'm worried about the world and the way it is. The Right, Liberals, can't say their views anymore without being labeled as a "racist, homophobic, etc" even if the idea is based in fact. I support the people who don't push their ideas such as pronouns and using many of the many sub genders. It's just anxiety inducing for me and I bet many people as well for the future and why I'm anxious to this day not mentioning other issues in the world.

sunnyWriting4806 February 22nd, 2023


It definitely is a really hard state that we've come where people get very angry and emotional just from simply hearing about the other stance. I keep reminding myself that the sort of changes that we want to see begin with yourself, so practicing compassion and patience even with people you don't agree with is important!

ChickensandHotCocoa OP February 22nd, 2023


Thank you for not pushing down my view, I appreciate that. Agreed, it is important to be patient with others about their views, although I agree with you it's hard that others views aren't being heard or just being pushed down, along with taking both sides to look at an issue and listen to each other in order to solve it. I won't change my opinion/stance although I'm fine with others doing whatever as long as they allow me and others to do the same.

sunnyWriting4806 February 23rd, 2023


Of course, it really is tolerance that we’re striving for. Best of luck and I think you’re onto something regarding about how to approach these topics

K87 March 14th, 2023


I understand how u feel. Change is scary for everyone, especially when it feels as if u have no control. It's worse when it feels like everything is changing in a way that is threatening to u personally.

I think part of the problem is that both sides (right and left) feel like this, but unfortunately aren't talking to each other about it. The key to lessening a situation like what's happening in the country right now is communication and helping both sides understand why various things are important to the relevant side and why it's important. Even if we disagree, at least we understand and know it's not personal. Ultimately, agreeing to disagree may be the best case scenario we can hope for.

Regardless of politics, we need to remember we're all human, and not perfect. Respecting the fact that everyone is entitled to their own opinions/beliefs is important, just as important as your own opinions/beliefs. However, we can't try to force or expect others to change their opinions/beliefs to match ours nor should we be made to do the same.

I don't pretend to know what is going to happen with the country and especially the world, but I know that having a common understanding of what is important to both sides and why it is soo important is definitely something that is important if we have any hope of getting along. Communication is more important now more than ever, and perhaps we can all be a little more open to new ideas.

ChickensandHotCocoa OP April 9th, 2023

@K87 Agreed and thank you for addressing it. The world needs to agree to disagree and try not to attack each other. I hope y'all have a great day, and I hope you do great in whatever you want to do.

ChickensandHotCocoa OP April 9th, 2023


Also, sorry I'm not trying to attack the left at all and I'm sorry if I'm doing that. Each side has there flaws and strengths and I see that I fell short at addressing that in my earlier statement.

ChickensandHotCocoa OP April 9th, 2023


NOTE: I was being aggressive in my earlier statement and I'm sorry for that. I don't care what you do/identify as, I just don't like it when it get to the point when it's getting shoved down people throats. To the people who don't shove it, I respect you and keep being who you are. And to the ones who say Some not great things in response, I respect who you are as well. :)