Always when I finish a task I would keep thinking about if I did the task correctly and I would have to visualize the task to prove to myself that I did it. For example, if I turned off the lights for a room I would check again and check again even though the lights are off. This is affecting my daily life and I don’t get a lot done. Any suggestions?
@KevinRodriguez I've found when I am checking things again and again, that I can stop myself and move on if I ask myself: 'if the lights aren't turned out, what's the worst thing that could happen?' like, if I find myself triple checking my bag for my work computer while on the road or that my bedroom door is closed in my house or anything else I just have to tell myself 'screw it. if i don't have my computer, i can get my parents to drop it off or I can borrow an extra at work or I can improvise my lessons without my slides. I will survive. if I didn't close my door and the cat somehow messed up all my art work, oh well. I will make more. I will survive.' you have to adopt an attitude of flexability to move forward- and that can be hard.
Try to let go of the pursuit of perfection; achieving 80% is already great.
Keep track of how many times you repeatedly check; you'll notice improvement.