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Social Anxiety

imaginativeAcres3354 August 18th

I tink i have social anxiety and i dont know what to do. I have something that i like to call: 'attaks'. It is just times that i feel alone and worthless. I feel i have nobody and i have really paintful pains in my chest through this 'attaks'. I want to tell my perents or something, but i feel i cant because they will laugh at me and take me to someone and i wont help. I have trust issues and it makes everything harder because i cant tell anyone. everutime i am starting to think about telling anyone, it just gone because of that.

Do you have any advices of what should i do please?

toughTiger6481 August 18th


if the feeling goes away when you are about to tell someone that is a strong indicator to do that.... 

Why is it so many young people  assume  how a parent will react.... ever consider other outcomes... like maybe one of them had similar experiences and can relate.... not all parents send you to someone but IF they did how do you know they do not have a workable answer.... 

Many  people do not speak up or ask not because they are really afraid the will not get an answer but more afraid this anxiety or panic attack will end and you can not use it as a excuse not to do things or put off things.... everyone   has a first time to do things ... and many assume all will go wrong  yet most of the time it all goes easy without all the issues we imagine. 

OhLookItsRay August 19th

Hey. You're not alone.

I feel these things sometimes, too. Anxiety, even social anxiety, can have us feeling afraid to approach something because we feel scared. Our brains are wired through evolution to help us avoid pain. Trust issues sometimes come from painful experiences. Trust is hard to give when we have been hurt.

Anxiety can distort our thoughts. I have felt that way too, and the only way I found through it was to say Geronimo! and take the leap. Baby steps. Try first with something small. Something a little bit hard. Not too hard. But a little bit hard. (Say, like a small interest of yours, or a hobby.) And then another one, a little bit harder. Another one after that, just a little bit harder, at your own pace. You can start with a friend or family member you know to be empathetic, that doesn't laugh at anyone when they share something personal. Or, if you have access, you can try with a therapist or counselor.

Also, another thing I found to help was to check limiting beliefs (I can't) and change your language, even if it's just to add "yet." When you tell yourself you can't, your brain believes you.

Bravery isn't the absence of fear. It's being afraid and doing it anyway.

And be kind to yourself if you don't quite get it right away. This is hard work. Overcoming anxiety is hard work. But you've shown up, and you're showing yourself love in this way. Remember that you're human and it's okay to make mistakes. You're learning and growing.

Thank you so much for sharing.