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Scared something bad will happen…

ConcernedWife2017 July 18th, 2023

Hi everyone. I had to come in here to vent because I feel an anxiety attack coming on. Thank you if you take the time to read this. I really appreciate it. I will try to explain it the best I can without revealing specifics to be exact, because someone on here might realize who I am.

So I am a mom- multiple kids (Not giving exact amount for reasons of someone figuring out who I am). My oldest child has a brand new boyfriend. They just started dating. There was something that happened yesterday. I can’t go into exactly what happened, but it literally freaked me out. So thinking about this, it has me completely shook up and I am 100% scared that my child is going to come up missing one day because of her bf. And it is giving me so much anxiety. And the reason I fear this is because of what happened. I want my child to see how bad this person is, but she doesn’t seem to see it. And I don’t know if she will in time or not because he feeds her lines of crap. I am honestly so freaked out and I don’t know what to do. Obviously the law can’t do anything until something happens, then of course it’s too late at that point.

I am one of those people who can sense when something bad is going to happen. And I can sense when people are bad. And when I get these feelings, they 100% have came true. And that is what scares me even more. I can sense that he is a bad person, and he proved it to me by doing what he did yesterday to my daughter.

I am completely freaking out 😭

RobertBarryAnderson7 July 18th, 2023

@ConcernedWife2017 I can imagine how deeply worried and frightened you must be feeling right now as a mom. Your child's safety and well-being are your top priority, and it's completely understandable to be concerned about the situation with her new boyfriend. Trusting your instincts as a parent is crucial, and it's natural to feel uneasy when you sense that something might not be right.

In situations like this, communication is vital. It's important to have an open and honest conversation with your child about your concerns. Share your observations and feelings with her, expressing how much you care about her safety. Avoid attacking her boyfriend directly but instead focus on expressing your worries about the specific incident and your desire to protect her.

While you can't control her choices, offering support and understanding can help strengthen your relationship and foster a sense of trust. Encourage her to talk about her feelings and experiences, and let her know that you are there for her no matter what. Sometimes, it may take time for someone to see the true nature of a person, especially when they are being manipulated by someone.

Consider seeking guidance from a professional, like a family therapist or counselor, who can offer advice on how to navigate this situation in a healthy and constructive way. They can provide insights on communication strategies and help you find ways to cope with the anxiety you are experiencing.

Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and there are resources and support available to you. Take things one step at a time, and remember that as a mom, your love and concern for your child will guide you through these difficult moments. Take care and know that there are people who care and want to help.

ConcernedWife2017 OP July 18th, 2023


Thank you so much for taking time to read and reply to me. I appreciate that.

I have always trusted my instincts and I have always been right when I have. That’s exactly why this is so concerning to me because something if just not right.

I have talked with her more than a few times already about it. She keeps telling me nothing is going to happen. And that I don’t need to worry, but I know better. Especially after what he did. She’s not seeing my concerns as valid because she thinks he is such a great guy. Even after what he did. I really need her to see this before it’s too late that he really is not that good.

I have told her from the time she was a little girl up to now that I am always here for her no matter what. I always told her she can confide in me and talk to me about everything and anything. And I have always been and will always be here for her.

I am just feeling my instincts telling me something bad is about to happen. It’s hitting me hard.

RobertBarryAnderson7 July 18th, 2023


You're doing an amazing job as a concerned and caring mom! 💕 Trusting your instincts has always served you well, and your love for your daughter shines through in every word you've shared. It's completely natural to feel worried when your maternal instincts are telling you something's amiss.

Keep reinforcing your support for her and remind her that you're always there with open arms. 🤗 Your love and concern will resonate with her, even if she doesn't fully see it right now. Remember, patience and understanding can work wonders in strengthening your bond. 🌟 Keep the lines of communication open and continue to show her the depth of your care.

As time goes on, she may come to see the truth about this situation. And no matter what, you're doing all you can to protect and guide her. Trust yourself, and take it one step at a time. 💪 You've got this, and we're here for you too! 🌺💖

ConcernedWife2017 OP July 18th, 2023


Thank you very much for your kind words. I try so hard. I am the kind of person who will help anyone and I have a huge heart. I’m always there for my kids when they need me, always have been, and always will be.

Her bf betrayed my trust many times and lost my trust completely when the incident happened. Honestly, this is a little bit more than just me worrying about their relationship. This is me worrying that he is going to take her and do something bad to her. That’s how bad of a situation it is.

ShakenNotStirred932 July 18th, 2023


Do some digging online. See what you can find out about your daughter's bf. If you find something alarming, then you have grounds to follow up and seek help.

Hoping for the best.

ConcernedWife2017 OP July 19th, 2023


Hello. Thank you for your reply.

I will see if there is anything I can find. Thank you. It has crossed my mind, but as far as I know he wasn’t in any trouble. At the same time, she was warned by family members of his that she shouldn’t be with him because of how he is. This has me very alarmed as well. And I heard he has never been in trouble before, but was told some stuff that was kind of unsettling.

Thank you for your well wishes. I appreciate it.