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ConcernedWife2017 profile picture
Why am I not able to see people’s replies on one of my threads?
Depression Support / by ConcernedWife2017
Last post
February 14th, 2024
...See more I posted a thread a few days ago or so, and people have replied to me. Problem is I can not see their replies. I am having issues with the app. I have uninstalled it and reinstalled it. That didn’t work. I sign out and sign back in. That didn’t work. I keep getting error messages saying I’m not signed in, but I actually am. I don’t know what the deal is and how to see my replies from people on my other threads.
ConcernedWife2017 profile picture
Feeling down and out
Depression Support / by ConcernedWife2017
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February 6th, 2024
...See more I am feeling really awful. Today was a very emotional day for me. It started off with me being down because I’m missing my dad. Still seems so unreal that he is gone. It’s been a few years now, but missing him will always be there. I got a little bit of a pick me earlier when a friend sent me a very sweet message. It made me tear up because it’s very unusual for that friend to send stuff like that. I’m also feeling a bit down because one of my children are going through a rough time as well. Their relationship just ended. It’s for the better, trust me, but still doesn’t mean that my child isn’t going to hurt. And that makes me hurt as well. Another issue that is bothering me today is that my husband is upset. He kind of feels like a friend of his is pushing him away and he didn’t even do anything wrong. He is really good person and will do anything for anyone. I guess by him offering his help, his whole demeanor was taken the wrong way. Kind of a bummer that someone would think my husband is up to no good when all he was doing was being a good friend. It sucks feeling this way, but I am a very emotional person and when my family is hurting, I hurt. I’ve been in tears on and off all day. Just having a bad day all together.
ConcernedWife2017 profile picture
How do I cope..
Depression Support / by ConcernedWife2017
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August 25th, 2023
...See more I have been dealing with a lot of different things for years. I honestly believe it is all starting to pile up and it’s hitting me like a ton of bricks. I am crying multiple times a day every single day. To better understand where I am coming from, here is what I’ve been hit with: -One of my parents passed away. -One of my children is in a relationship with someone who may be a danger to them -I have lost a lot of loved ones and friends in a very short period of time. They all passed away -I am worrying about my one child and their relationship. It’s scaring me. -I lost two of my pets due to sickness— I had a miscarriage and lost my baby This is only part of what I am dealing with. It’s all hitting me very hard. I just don’t know how to deal with all of it and what to do anymore. I’m lost and broken. That’s the best way to explain it. If you got this far, thank you for reading.
ConcernedWife2017 profile picture
Having a few issues. Can’t find the right listener..
General Support / by ConcernedWife2017
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July 20th, 2023
...See more Hi everyone. I am going through an extremely rough time right now. I have tried multiple times to reach a listener, but have not found the proper one. It’s been awhile, and I am having no luck. I understand not everyone will know how to react to certain situations, or have never dealt with these kinds of things. I’m the middle of a chat you leave without telling me, I don’t consider that to be a good thing. I have multiple issues going on, and it would just be nice to talk to someone who understands. Someone who is not going to judge me and someone who will listen, but at the same time hopefully give me some sound advice on what to do if I haven’t already tried it.
ConcernedWife2017 profile picture
Scared something bad will happen…
Anxiety Support / by ConcernedWife2017
Last post
July 19th, 2023
...See more Hi everyone. I had to come in here to vent because I feel an anxiety attack coming on. Thank you if you take the time to read this. I really appreciate it. I will try to explain it the best I can without revealing specifics to be exact, because someone on here might realize who I am. So I am a mom- multiple kids (Not giving exact amount for reasons of someone figuring out who I am). My oldest child has a brand new boyfriend. They just started dating. There was something that happened yesterday. I can’t go into exactly what happened, but it literally freaked me out. So thinking about this, it has me completely shook up and I am 100% scared that my child is going to come up missing one day because of her bf. And it is giving me so much anxiety. And the reason I fear this is because of what happened. I want my child to see how bad this person is, but she doesn’t seem to see it. And I don’t know if she will in time or not because he feeds her lines of crap. I am honestly so freaked out and I don’t know what to do. Obviously the law can’t do anything until something happens, then of course it’s too late at that point. I am one of those people who can sense when something bad is going to happen. And I can sense when people are bad. And when I get these feelings, they 100% have came true. And that is what scares me even more. I can sense that he is a bad person, and he proved it to me by doing what he did yesterday to my daughter. I am completely freaking out 😭
ConcernedWife2017 profile picture
Don’t know what to feel anymore…
Relationship Stress / by ConcernedWife2017
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July 17th, 2023
...See more I have been with my husband for most of my life. We got together at a younger age. We have/had children. We have been together for a little while, and lately I just don’t know what to do anymore. Just when I thought things were better, I was wrong. I am constantly feeling worthless because of things he says to me. He has in the past cheated on me- multiple times. The cheating alone killed me. I have at times just wanted to leave, but I’m afraid to. I have it in my head that no one else will ever want me because I’m worthless and I’m not pretty enough. I don’t want to be alone for the rest of my life if I leave. I hate being alone. I feel so lost.
ConcernedWife2017 profile picture
Too much on my mind
Depression Support / by ConcernedWife2017
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June 26th, 2023
...See more I have been up and down all night long. Then at about 2 a.m., I woke up for good and just can not fall back to sleep. I have a lot on my mind. I know that is the reason for me being awake. It seems like if it’s not one thing, it another lately. Too much going on. I’m worried about my marriage. My husband just doesn’t know how to quit, even when I ask him to stop. I’m worried about my daughter’s relationship. I’m worried about my health. The stress from everything is surely not helping my health issue out. I’m worried about some other things I’m not comfortable talking about just yet to post on here. I’m feeling lost. I’m depressed and it doesn’t seem like there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It keeps getting darker and darker. Just when I think things might be looking up, I get hit with a hard dose of reality. It’s almost like something or someone doesn’t want me to be carefree or happy. I don’t know how much more I can take.
ConcernedWife2017 profile picture
Feeling awful and alone
Depression Support / by ConcernedWife2017
Last post
June 16th, 2023
...See more So my first born just graduated. It has me in all kinds of moods right now. I am feeling so depressed and alone in this. I know it’s a happy time, but all I can do is cry. Time went by way to fast. My child just did everything all at once: graduated, got a job, and is in a new relationship. So a little background about my child: My child loves doing stuff with me, and always has. Or at least did, until the new person in my child’s life pretty much stopped it. A little more to that story- my child’s new beau has been putting stuff in my child’s head and saying stuff like you need to do this, or you need to do that. And don’t go do that, go do this. I’ve heard it without my child knowing I did (I wasn’t spying, I overheard it). And of course being the person my child is, my child will go along with them. It might be because of being afraid to “lose” this new beau. I had a feeling about this person before they started dating. It was all bad energy. I am able to read people really, really well. There have been multiple situations where I have done the same and I ended up being right about them. I know this is not the right relationship for my child. And I know I can’t say you can’t date them. This is especially not the right relationship if someone is going to manipulate my child into doing or not doing stuff. I’m honestly afraid of the new beau turning my child against me. And I can not “mind my own business” in this sort of situation. I’m not going to let my child be hurt or worse. Anyone else have this happen? What did you do if you have? Oh, and I have already talked with my child about this and how I feel, except for coming out and literally saying I don’t think they are right for you. I don’t want to push my child away either. This is killing me.
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